Good Afternoon Folks, After pounding my head into the ground for days over a problem I am having, I decided to post here to see what you guys and girls think. I have a user defined function that outputs categories from a database and assosiated eShops. Now in PHP 4 this is working perfectly however my client has PHP 5, and the function is only outputting the first eshop for each category. How can I get this working properly in PHP 5? Below is the function in question: function getAllCategories($mysql,$region) { $cat_list = "SELECT * FROM ilp_category_zone ORDER BY category"; $mysql->execute_query($cat_list); if($mysql->numrows() <= 0) { print "There are currently no categories"; } else { while($r = $mysql->fetchrow()) { $cid[] = $r['cid']; } foreach($cid as $value) { $get_shops_by_cat = "SELECT * FROM ilp_eshop_zones,ilp_category_zone,ilp_region_zone WHERE ilp_category_zone.cid=ilp_eshop_zones.cid AND ilp_eshop_zones.cid='".$value."' AND ilp_region_zone.rid='".$region."' ORDER BY ilp_category_zone.category"; $mysql->execute_query($get_shops_by_cat); if($mysql->numrows() <= 0) { //print "No eShops for the category"; } else { while($r2 = $mysql->fetchrow()) { $eid = $r2['eid']; $category = $r2['category']; $name = $r2['name']; $conphrase = $r2['conphrase']; $description = $r2['description']; $rid = $r2['rid']; $flag = $r2['flag_locale']; $num = $mysql->numrows(); if(!$l) { print "<h2><img src=\"images/flags/".$flag."\"> ".$category."</h2>\n"; print "<form style=\" display: inline; margin-bottom: 0px;\" name=\"categories\"><a id=\"cat-paragraph\"><a id=\"cat\">".$name ." <font color=\"#CC0000\"><b>".$conphrase."</b></font>\n"; print "<select name=\"region\" size=\"1\" onChange=\"location.href=document.categories.region.options[document.categories.region.selectedIndex].value\">\n"; getRegion($mysql,$region,$eid,$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); print "</select>\n"; print "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Go!\" onClick=\"javascript:goTo(this.form.region);\">\n"; print "<br>\n"; print "<a id=\"desc\">".$description. "</a></i></p></form><br><br>\n"; print "<HR color=#f0f8ff SIZE=1>"; $l=$num-1; } else { print "<form style=\" display: inline; margin-bottom: 0px;\" name=\"categories\"><a id=\"cat-paragraph\"><a id=\"cat\">".$name ." <font color=\"#CC0000\"><b>".$conphrase."</b></font>\n"; print "<select name=\"region\" size=\"1\" onChange=\"location.href=document.categories.region.options[document.categories.region.selectedIndex].value\">\n"; getRegion($mysql,$region,$eid,$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); print "</select>\n"; print "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Go!\" onClick=\"javascript:goTo(this.form.region);\">\n"; print "<br>\n"; print "<a id=\"desc\">".$description. "</a></i></p></form><br><br>\n"; print "<HR color=#f0f8ff SIZE=1>"; $l--; } } } } } } If anyone can give me some pointers or point out probable reasons for this not working properly on PHP 5, then it would be much appreciated. Best Regards, Steve -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: