Hi list,
I'm writing some code at the moment, and I'm trying to make it as
detached as possible from the database used behind. So I already found
ADOdb abstraction layer, which I find conienient. But still the fact is
that I need to connect to and select a database at the begining of somes
script, and the connection to the database are the only thing that
remain database-specific.
My project has a somewhat classical conf.inc.php file in its root folder
and I do database backend select in there. According to the type of
backend I generate some php code to be stored in à constant called
CONNECTION_CODE which can in turn be passed to the eval() function into
the script that need connection to the database can call
eval(CONNECTION_CODE) and proceed connected to the database
I'm wondering if this is a decent approach to the abstraction problem,
if it features any security risk (I don't like the eval() call) that
I've missed. Any suggestion welcome, code sample follows
Thanks folks.
config.inc.php :
/* Database Baclend selection */
/* Now only MySQL backend is supported */
/* Fill out these info if you selected MySQL Backend */
define ("DB_MYSQL_SERVER","");
define ("DB_MYSQL_USER","");
define ("DB_MYSQL_PWD","");
define ("DB_MYSQL_DATABASE","");
switch (DB_BACKEND) {
case "mysql" :
$connectCode = "\$dbHandle = &ADONewConnection(\"mysql\");\n
\$dbHandle->Connect(\"" .
DB_MYSQL_SERVER . "\", \"" . DB_MYSQL_USER . "\", \"" .
DB_MYSQL_PWD . "\", \"" .
define("CONNECTION_CODE", $connectCode);
and in any script that needs db connection :
$menuItems = &$dbHandle->Execute('SELECT * FROM yeast_menu0_items');
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