Re: Re: Incremental Date Based ID

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At 05:05 PM 3/7/2006, Kevin Murphy wrote:
Well, part of the issue is that I want to be able to use this as part
of the link:


With respect, I too think you should re-examine your reasons for wanting to number (or letter) the links consecutively in the database.
To whom does the spelling of an URL really matter?  I believe that 
website visitors rarely care; they care about how things are labelled 
in the foreground and they want to get to the correct page, but I 
don't think many people really study the details of the address bar 
and even fewer make judgements about the quality or completeness of 
website content on that basis.
There are in fact solid reasons for NOT changing URLs once they're 
established -- for example, the persistence of bookmarks, links from 
other websites, and search engine memory.  Once you establish an URL 
pointing to a particular page it's going to be recorded, stored, and 
repeated by many other entities on the internet.  If you're 
whimsically changing URLs at random intervals, old URLs will no 
longer point to the same content.  You'll be doing your own material 
a disservice by frustrating one of the most powerful assets the 
internet can lend you: its persistence of vision.
I wonder if your desire for contiguously lettered URLs can be 
satisfied by simply assigning consecutive letters to the display text 
that links to the articles:
           <li><a href="/news.php?article=9568367">Title of article</a></li>
           <li><a href="/news.php?article=1937452">Title of article</a></li>
           <li><a href="/news.php?article=4694832">Title of article</a></li>

           list-style-type: lower-alpha;

        a. Title of article
        b. Title of article
        c. Title of article

As others have pointed out, the sequence in which the URLs spill out from the database can be controlled by a timestamp in each record. The lettering of the articles a-z can be controlled by the ordered list for the benefit of the visitor. When an article is inserted into or deleted from the list, the list retains its contiguity IN THE PRESENTATION and you aren't put in the inelegant position of trying to renumber records in a database.
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