On 10/03/06, Weber Sites LTD <berber@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:> Hi>> I'm trying to go with your idea but I'm having difficulties with> preg_match_all.> I want the text between <?php and ?>. The use of preg_match_all bellow only> Returns text that is in a single line. If the <php is on one line and the ?>> is> A few lines bellow, it does not match.>> preg_match_all('/<\?php(.*?)\?>/i',$text,$CodeArray,PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);> By default a '.' matches any character except for a newline. If youwant it to match *everything* you have to use the 's' pattern modifier- just stick an 's' on the very end of your pattern, after the 'i'. /<\?php(.*?)\?>/is -robin