ftp_get from an IBM Mainframe z/vm system ?

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i got a realy special problem with a little php work. i need some files from a
z/vm ftp server over an php script. z/vm is a virtualization operating system
for the ibm mainframe. my php script runs on a linux os, mountet on a z/vm
guest. to test if an ftp transfer is possible i've maked some test with a
normal ftp console client and it may be important for helping me if you know
the results.

Here ist the example for a ftp connection to the z/vm ftp .

230 LINUXCL logged in; working directory = LINUXCL
191 Remote system type is z/VM.

ok, we got connected. now it comes the problem, in my opinion.

ftp> ls
500 Unknown command, 'EPSV'
227 Data transfer will passively listen to 172,16,145,65,4,48
125 List started OK
PROFILE EXEC V 42 12 1 2006-02-20 11:19:06 WORK
TEST EXEC V 38 5 1 2006-02-06 14:36:40 WORK
250 List completed successfully.

as you can see, the files in z/vm are not named by the normal way. z/vm naming
need 2 qualifier (actually 3 but thats not important now) so file called


will be written in z/vm like this


put with my console ftp client i got no problems getting that file

ftp> get "TEST EXEC"
local: TEST EXEC remote: TEST EXEC
227 Data transfer will passively listen to 172,16,145,65,4,49
125 Sending file 'TEST.EXEC'
100% |*************************************| 88 99.23 KB/s 00:00 ETA
250 Transfer completed successfully. 88 bytes received in 00:00 (48.85 KB/s)

No problems, so i createt an php script....

$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, "$ftp_user_name", "$ftp_user_pass");
$download = ftp_get($conn_id, "$locale", "TEST EXEC", FTP_ASCII);

connection workd, but the download did not. i got this error.

Warning: ftp_get(): Error opening in phpfile on line 174

i think the filenaming makes the problem. chaning "TEST EXEC" to "TEST.EXEC"
works at the ftp console client, but for the php way neither.

i wrote in several forums and you guys are my last hope =)

hope you can help me :)

thx and greetings from germany
nils reimann

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