[snip] You're best off using an array that matches human readable form to field name as someone else suggested earlier. Form names for basic fields like this should be standardized such that auto form fillers (aka Google toolbar) are able to work. They won't know that your field named "hmnrdble_F-irst_N-ame" equates to a first name field. Skip the dastardly regexp and keep it simple. [/snip] Scared of regex? Since this is an Intranet application we do not care about auto form fillers and actually discourage reliance on them in these cases. You're suggesting that I make the programmers do more work when there is a solution that will work regardless of what the web designers name form fields as long as the web designers stick to a naming convention policy (studly caps) for form fields. I suppose I could make them change to underscore delimited field names and it would solve my current problem. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php