tedd wrote:
Based on the area increase; I'd expect the file size to about double,
not be 4x as large.
$src_img = imagecreatefromgif($filename);
$dest_img = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
Can anyone explain or have a solution?
Here's my take -- gif's are no longer supported by the GD library
because of patent problems. So development of how to deal with them has
been moved to png.
Gif's have a 256 color palette, but PNG has a 48-bit color palette and
using imagecreatetruecolor() you greatly increase the file size of the
image .
A better choice for your code would be to use imagecreate() which has a
maximum of 256 color palette.
Please post if this works or not.
I tried that early on and the image quality went to hell.
What I ended up doing was process the gif and check it's filesize. If too large, I then made the file a jgp, from the
same GD image canvas. I then compressed the results in 5% "Quality" steps until the filesize is below a preset value.
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