Hi, What is the best method to update a single line in a text file? I have a file made of identifiers, that is pointed on by a htaccess file and used by a server to give access to a web site. The file content is like this : login1:pass1\r\n login2:pass2\r\n .... loginn:passn\r\n loginn1:passn1\r\n .... lastlogin:lastpass\r\n This file can be modified in three ways update a single line when a user updates its profile delete a single line when the webmaster makes a user inactive append a line when the webmaster makes a user active the difficulties are : there is not the same number of users and lines in this file, we dont know at which line are the identifiers of a user, when updating identifiers, we must keep new line characters at the end. So what are the best functions to use to read and rewrite the file? file() which puts all the content in an array, including the new line characters? (if so, we need to use array_search() or array_keys() to find where are the identifiers fread() or file_get_contents() which puts all the content in a string? I tried this way and use eregi_replace() to find where are the identifiers, replace them by new value. But sometimes, I get errors where the new line characters are suppressed between two users identifiers or where an identifier is repeated like this : loginx:passx\r\n loginx:passx\r\n loginn:passnloginn1:passn1\r\n loginn2:passn2\r\n Here is my code : <? php //reading the actual file content $length=filesize($filename); $fp=fopen($filename,"r"); $str=fread($fp,$length); fclose($fp); //in case of updating $str=eregi_replace($oldlogin.":".$oldpass,$newlogin.":".$newpass,$str); //in case of deleting $str=eregi_replace($oldlogin.":".$oldpass,"",$str); //rewriting the file $handle = fopen($filename,"w+") fwrite($handle,$str,strlen($str)) //in case of inserting a new user $str=$newlogin.":".$newpass."\r\n"; $handle = fopen($filename,"a") fwrite($handle,$str,strlen($str)) ?> I know in "deleting" case, the eregi_replace pattern is so that the new line characters will not be removed, but this is not a problem I'll try to use file() function and array_keys() and let you know. Thanks -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php