Hi everybody, Does anybody know if it's possible to specify a php file as the src attribute of an script element in a html page. For example: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="d:/projects/horde/dimp/js/DimpCore.js.php?Horde=b9d9e640abf31e49eab7fad91a543bb5"></script> I've installed the HORDE framework (www.horde.org) and I'm trying to make their AJAX web client work. It seems that this line of code causes problems. The DimpCore.js.php file is a file that has <?php ?> tags between javascript lines. Are you allowed to do this? I mean, is the php file parsed by the PHP engine first and a js code is generated that will be used by the script element? I know this list is only for PHP issues, but I thougt maybe someone had the sameproblem and knows a workaround for this. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you! Christi Zeck