Holger Sunke wrote:
I dont know that much aboput regular expressions and just want to know how to
find out the number of special (non alphanumeric) characters in a string or how to match a string that contains less than 3 special chars.
urrently im using a function
function valid_username($string) {
if(strlen($string)<=16&&strlen($string)>5) {
return(preg_match('/^[ -~äöüßÄÖÜ]+$/',$string));
} else {
return FALSE;
This allows usernames of 6 to 16 length containing many special chars and German "Umlaute".
But this also allows usernames like "=)/(&%$" what should not be.
So how to limit the number of special chars? This function should just return fals if number of special chars > X
Holger Sunke
One thing that comes to my mind would be splitting up the string into
letters, numbers and signs with ereg()/preg() and count each one.
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