========================================================= Please feel free to add more points and updates. 20050322jb - Note the new location of PHP Editors list. ========================================================= Topics: ======= - Where to Find More Information - Diagnosing the problem. - Some Quick Guidelines on Posting - Contributors to this document Where to Find More Information =============================== If you have any queries/problems about PHP, the online manual (you can get an offline copy as well) is a good tool to become familiar with. http://php.net/manual Some Key sections of the PHP Manual: - Installation and Configuration http://php.net/install - Language Reference http://php.net/langref - Function Reference http://php.net/funcref tip: if you know the function name but forget exactly how it works just type the name of the function ie: http://php.net/array_merge - The PHP FAQ http://php.net/faq Try http://www.google.com/ Searching for "php YOUR QUERY" may fetch you relevant information within the first 10 results. There is a searchable archive of the mailing list discussion at http://phparch.com/mailinglists. Many of the common topics are discussed repeatedly, and you may get answer to your query from the earlier discussions. For example: One of the repeatedly discussed question in the list is "Best PHP editor". Everyone has his/her favourite editor. You can get all the opinions by going through the list archives. If you want a chosen list try this link: [1] http://www.thelinuxconsultancy.co.uk/phpeditors.php Diagnosing the problem. ========================== Not sure if PHP is working or you want find out what extensions are available to you? Or you're not sure exactly how php is configured? Just put the following code into a file with a .php extension and access it through your webserver: <?php phpinfo(); ?> If PHP is installed you will see a page with a lot of information on it. If PHP is not installed (or not working correctly) your browser will try to download the file. One useful trick is to print the variable that you are having troubles with using print or echo command and check whether you get what you expected. PHP is a server side scripting language. Whatever processing PHP does takes place BEFORE the output reaches the client. Therefore, it is not possible to access users' computer related information (OS, screen size etc) using PHP. Nor can you modify any the user side settings. You need to go for JavaScript and ask the question in a JavaScript list. After diagnosing the problem, send the details of your efforts (following 'Where to find more information') and ask for help. Some Quick Guidelines on Posting =============================== - Provide a clear descriptive subject line. Avoid general subjects like "Help!!", "A Question" etc. Especially avoid blank subjects. - Don't just state it doesn't work, be descriptive in why you don't think it works. - Don't send you're 200+ line script to the mailing list and expect an answer to why line 198 doesn't work. If you need to post a large amount of code, provide a link to a page that shows the code, or use a pastebin site like: http://www.pastebin.com/ - When you want to start a new topic, open a new mail composer and enter the mailing list address php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx instead of replying to an existing thread and replacing the subject and body with your message. - When replying try to include the mailing list with the reply, unless of course it is personal. A common way is by using your email/news readers' "reply to all" functionality. - Compose your message in a format that everyone will be able to read. This means that it would be best to send your message in plain/text format. If you do send in HTML be sure to send your message that includes a plain/text format. - It's always a good idea to post back to the list once you've solved your problem. People usually add [SOLVED] to the subject line of their email when posting solutions. By posting your solution you're helping the next person with the same question. - Ask smart questions http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html - More on the traditional netiquette. Although the following suggestions have been known to be debatable they should help you in general internet mailing list a. Please do not top post as it is hard to follow. If you are unfamiliar with the concept it is the posting of the reply ABOVE the thing that is being replied to. b. When Replying. Where possible trim your posts so that only relevant portions of the message are being discussed. Replies that become too lengthy are likely to be ignored. Following these guidelines will ensure that you get effective responses from the list members. Otherwise, your questions might not be answered. Contributors to this document ============================== Jay Blanchard Christophe Chisogne Burhan Khalid Chris W Parker Teren Curt Zirzow And of course everyone that ever posted to php-general. =============================================== Hope you have a good time programming with PHP. =============================================== -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php