My problem still remains open!!!! Help!!!
I noticed that if the umlauts are received
correctly but they are not submitted in the
right way.
For a ö I receive a POST as: ö
From the DB I get the text correctly.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
The DB encoding is : iso-8859-1.
Now, the strange thing is that is does not appear ALWAYS and only sometimes
and only in firefox.
So.. I cannot really reproduce the error every time.... which is hard to
As Barry said, the is a Unicode UTF-8 encoding.
So, instead of charset=iso-8859-1 it should be charset=UTF-8
Then, I suggest you look-up the code-point of the
character you want to use and remember that
code-points (HEX) don't work in html (DEC), so
you'll have to make that translation to display
This link might help:
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