Yes, it's just a text file -- it can be re-written. However, it
needs to be loaded again to take affect.
And it affects all documents of all users. Suddenly, by the action
of one user, all other users reaching the same page will see things
as per the actions of another user. Unless you take care to keep
separate CSS files.
Yes, that's true -- but I was thinking that the user was the coder
and that's what he/she wanted to do -- not that it was open to users
to change per their whim.
Perhaps I misunderstood the original post.
It is particularly usefull to enclose whichever set of elements
that you wish to change into a single entity, a DIV or SPAN, if at
all possible.
That's the main principle of ajax, isn't it? Using DOM to apply
changes within the document. It might be old-hat to most, but I
find it fascinating.
No, this is not AJAX, it is simply using the DOM. Ajax also
involves communication with the server in the background.
Yes, you are correct -- thanks for the clarification. At this point
in my learning, both appear so intertwined that they are synonymous.
Styles assigned in this way have precedence over those from a style sheet
The precedence is simply inheritance -- last stated is applied.
No, if you dynamically load a new stylesheet after you set the style
of an element using the DOM, this style would still have precedence
over the new stylesheet. The precedence of styles is set by how you
set it. Setting a style through the DOM has precedence over CSS
attributes, which have precedence over styles specified by the style
HTML attribute which has precedence over the default rendering of an
element. Only within the same category the order of assignment
would matter.
And, by the way, yes, you can load a new stylesheet.
As Johnny Carson said often "I didn't know that!" -- thanks.
So it's: DOM > CSS > HTML > Browser Default -- is that the
precedence you are saying?
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