Barry wrote:
M. Sokolewicz wrote:
Since when can you "unset" functions from within php scripts?? (except
with specialized modules, which we'll just ignore for now).
Why ignore them for now?
Doesn't make sense for me ...
If the OP is capable of installing and using the runkit extension
them he would never have had ask the list why 'preg_match() is not defined' -
it's a fairly basic problem to solve - anyone with enough skill and experience
to use runkit would know how to solve it.
obviously Barry you are very experienced and use the runkit extension all
the time ... because evidently you seem to think 'unsetting' function
is a completely normal activity inside a php script.
>>Recently I am getting the following error on some of my PHP-enabled
>>websites. I think it started when I went from PHP4 -> PHP5.
He went from 4 to 5, do you know what 4 had compiled in? no you don't.
Why don't just ignore he went from 4 to 5.
given that he says 'I think' (i.e. he's too lazy to check and know for sure)
ignoring the fact that he upgraded is actually quite sane.
the OPs problem is an undefined function which can only really mean that
an extension was not loaded (and/or not compiled in) - nothing to do with the
fact that he upgraded as such (he could jsut as well have got this error
if he had created a completely fresh php install)
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