- Edwin - wrote:
Reading the surrounding sentences, I think I can see where
you're coming from. But, the above statement is a bit
There is a reason why it's called "pixel per INCH". And it
definitely have something to do whether your monitor
is set to 800x600, 1024x768, etc.
It's confusing but it's not ;)
It's quite hard to explain but having the monitor set to 800x600 the
physical inch isn't anymore.
the image is still in 80ppi but using now the "bigger" pixels as
reference per inch.
This is very confusing and this whole ppi is very disturbing, because
there isn't any real standard applyable for screens.
A 15-inch monitor at 800x600 will have around 53ppi x 40ppi
(800 pixels divided by 15 inches, etc.) and *the same* monitor
at 1024x768 will have around 68ppi x 51ppi.
That's correct the ppi (theoretically) will be 53 or 68.
If your 15' monitor is normally setup at 1024x768, everything
(images, etc.) will look a bigger if the same image is viewed
using the same monitor at 800x600. This happens because
the pixels are now "bigger". (One image "pixel" is now compose
of many physical dots on the screen.) But, I guess, you already
knew that. (^_^)
Right ;)
But the image is still in 80 ppi ;)
And you probably now get where the problems are ;)
Smileys rule (cX.x)C --o(^_^o)
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