[snip] I created a small bannering program. It works great in Firefox. But I have a problem with IE. If I place the banner on a different domain than the bannering program, Ex: www.bannerserver.com www.otherserver.com has img tag calling from www.bannerserver.com I use a session to keep track of the banner that is displayed, have even tried using cookies directly. Works great in firefox, problem with IE is first time vising www.otherserver.com, clicking on the img does not work, apparently, the session was never start/recorded when retrieving the image. However, if I go back to www.otherserver.com, it then works fine, I can go anywhere, as long as I don't close the browser, www.otherserver.com works. Why would IE not be recording the session info on the first visit? Firefox does it just fine. Anyone run into this? [/snip] >From http://www.php.net/session [quote] When using session_start() to begin a session this session will remain open until the page has finished loading or it is explicitly terminated. You can lose the session however if the the page contains a reference to <img src=""> with name and id references (which may be used if the image is referencing a dynamic image, called by javascript) This seems to casue IE6 to refresh the page session id and hence loose the session. [/quote] -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php