PHP Users
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- Re: Retrieving parameters passed from .html...?, (continued)
- Trying to Find Functions or Constants To...,
- Re: mysql if empty,
- IF loop,
Ron Piggott
- OT Apologies.. Re: [PHP] Firefox and Crafting Tables, tg-php
- Firefox and Crafting Tables, gryffyn
- Copying PHP array into a Javascript array,
Otto Wyss
- Novice PHP Question - Listing Folder Contents,
- PHP Directory List Script Files over 2 GB,
Robert M
- Array remove function?,
Tijnema !
- Oputting Forms Within a Class,
- uk date to mysql date and back again,
- Outlook task via email,
Chris Boget
- Decoding from unknown charsets (inc. ks_c_5601-1987),
Edward Kay
- Location of .so files on Linux box,
Miles Thompson
- Dates and different time zones,
Niklas Karlsson
- Question on Portfoilo's,
Matt Carlson
- Curious Problem with $_POST,
- MySQL exceptions,
- Question about OO design,
Chris W. Parker
- Where to insert a phrase in the right place,
Mário Gamito
- Re: Where to insert a phrase in the right place, Richard Lynch
"Sense" last record,
Mário Gamito
redirect http to https,
Ben Liu
Re: redirect http to https, Tijnema !
Re: redirect http to https, Zoltán Németh
Session Authentication,
Ólafur Waage
Re: Session Authentication, Richard Lynch
RE: Session Authentication, Tim Earl
DOM and XSLTProcessor,
Buesching, Logan J
session in forum,
uni uni
keeping credit card info in session,
which CMS are you using and why?,
Fernando Cosso
xdebug with Quanta, vuthecuong
ribs (rsync) problem,
Bind IP with fsockopen,
Design Dilemma - Database Data Abstraction,
Martin Alterisio
Re: Design Dilemma - Database Data Abstraction, Lester Caine
Re: Design Dilemma - Database Data Abstraction, Tony Marston
Re: Design Dilemma - Database Data Abstraction, Richard Lynch
Help with table in database and login scripts.,
Karl James
MD5 & bot Question,
PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 01F13157?!?!?!?,
Afan Pasalic
Need a working SOAP example using PHP SOAP,
Daevid Vincent
Submitting as POST. Why?,
Bug with passing objects by reference and assigning a defeault null?,
Shu Chow
Simple question on simplexml,
Timothy Murphy
link counting,
How to disable the "Daylight saving time" in PHP 5?,
I want to pass Sub Window the value with PHP and JavaScript., Napura
HELP with mail(),
Zhimmy Kanata
Using /index.php/this/that/343/3 style links but having a prob!,
Mike Shanley
PHP Mail function,
Zhimmy Kanata
PHP textbook suggestions?,
Chris Lott
Idea/Suggestion for PHP App,
PDF: error,
Mário Gamito
Debugging Extensions (APD, etc.),
Daniel Brown
advice on sql injection/XSS prevention,
Bing Du
DOMDocument::schemaValidate() -> libxml_get_errors(),
Sébastien WENSKE
SimpleXML end of element/tag error,
Don Don
Problems when running Java program, Fernando M M
Suggestions for Web based FileServer/Mailaccess,
Michelle Konzack
finding a particular record within a MySQL result set,
James Tu
storing functions,
Problems downloading a PDF,
Mário Gamito
help me to solve this math maze,
Faisal Murad
dynamic web interface and size,
Alain Roger
Why do some pages repeat a previous page's action(s) after redirect?,
Chris W. Parker
Question about form submitting,
Mário Gamito
Re: Question about form submitting, Philip Thompson
Checking password,
sapi_add_header_ex() violating CODING_STANDARDS,
php-mysql problem,
Me2resh Lists
mixture of GET and POST,
secure database info in different environments,
Bruce Cowin
Cannot remove PHP Version 5.2.1-0.dotdeb.1,
Miles Thompson
Security: Passing URLs between pages for redirect,
Chris W. Parker
imagecreate() question,
Forking doesn't work on php 5.2.1?,
Frederic Belleudy
php 5 upgrade and background script on unix,
Frederic Belleudy
How to detect charset encoding with PHP and command line?,
William Lovaton
Duplicate dates in array,
Dave Goodchild
Best opensource XML parser for PHP ?,
Don Don
scandir and ftp wrapper,
Problems with mail,
Mário Gamito
Example from,
Timothy Murphy
Sending mail through another (SMTP authenticated) host,
Mário Gamito
"Miguel J. Jiménez"
Manolet Gmail
Get free broadband internet from google!,
Tijnema !
why would these few statements writes the array?,
Man-wai Chang
Downloads for subsrcibers only,
Mário Gamito
finding the index name of an associative array,
Man-wai Chang
Google-Yahoo venture and PHP,
Matt Kay
Security Best Practice: typecast?,
Richard Lynch
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