At 4/5/2007 12:06 PM, straderb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
OK I am attempting to start a new application using PHP. I have
started and stoped this application now 2 times cause I get moving
then I stop realizing I should have done this work before hand and
in a differant way. I was wondering does anyone have any places I
can read on how develope a PHP Web application like what area should
I start with first, what are somethings I need to think about before
hand. The application I am working on is Database driven app. It
will have data inserted into the DB from various data sources that
are manually entered.
However I need to develope the app as dynamic as possible for future
add-ons... I know I am probably biting off more then I can chew at
this time... So any pointers or exampled (which would be great) on
how to start an app from scratch and also how to use OOP (Which I
have a feeling is what I need to learn) would be wonderful. Thank
you all for any help you can provide.
It sounds like you could benefit by reading some basic software
architecture books. Google can help you find books with titles
something like "Programming in PHP & MySQL" many of which will guide
you through the production of a simple system that reads and writes a
database, handles sessions & cookies, and generates web pages. You
should be able to use their concrete examples as the basis for your own code.
I find programming a process of increasing focus and granularity,
sort of like the way progressive JPEGs resolve on the
screen. Describe the program in a simple sentence, then develop that
description in greater and greater detail with successive
rewrites. Along the way you'll transition from complete English
sentences to shorthand meta-code and finally to programming
statements. You'll finally end up with the actual program code, and
along the way you'll have written a lot of useful
documentation. This kind of top-down approach lets you build your
logic quickly and circumvent obvious problems before you actually
start cranking out code that's time-consuming to create and change.
Don't be afraid to ask questions, but always try to figure things out
yourself first from the manuals. Don't be afraid of the curmudgeons
who lurk on every listserve who will razz you for asking questions
they consider obvious. Just ignore them, they've got too much time
on their hands and have forgotten how much help they themselves
needed when they started out.
Here are some manuals and tools you'll find invaluable:
HTML validator:
CSS validator:
SQL validator:
Good luck and have fun!
Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.
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