Tijnema ! wrote:
On 4/5/07, Sébastien WENSKE <canardwc@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yes it's exactly the error, see the output :
DOMDocument::schemaValidate() Generated Errors!
Error 1871: Element 'EcheanceRMC': This element is not expected. in
file:///D%3A/wamp/www/XML%20Validator/xml/Edit4.xml on line
65535 <- that's wrong the real line number is upper
I don't think it has to do with integer, unless you're running in
16bit mode.. (PHP can't even run under 16bit i guess..). An integer
could a lot more. I think there are 2 options that make this error:
1) The libxml library itself doesn't support it.
2) The PHP bindings with the libxml don't support it.
In the first case you would need to contact the libxml authors, in the
second case, you might want to write a patch that fixes it :)
It is due to the structure in libxml2 (the line number in this case is
defined as unsigned short). This has been brought up before and wont be
changing as it would break API/AB compatibility. There really is little
you can do here.
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