$sql = "SELECT Client FROM booked WHERE Name = 'larry'";
$result = mysql_query($sql) OR die('[MYSQL ERROR] -
['.mysql_errno().']<br />'.mysql_error());
while ( list($client) = mysql_fetch_row($result) ) {
echo "{$client}<br />\n";
I agree with this logic overall. The above is of course just
oversimplified demo code, but I'd like to mention a few details I
would change before putting this into practice.
The syntax "$result = mysql_query($sql) OR die();" is nicely compact
but obfuscates the program logic. PHP is not actually ORing two
values, it's halting execution halfway through the statement if
mysql_query() returns true. This constitutes a hack because it
depends entirely on the way the parser processes code rather than on
explicit elements of the language. To help keep legacy code from
crashing with PHP version X I'd break this into two statements: run
the query, then act on the result. The parser won't care, and your
code will be more easily readable by us humans.
Displaying mysql_error() is great for the developer but in a public
application will expose the names of tables and fields to the public
who shouldn't really see your wires and pipes.
mysql_error() doesn't usually contain the entire query and doesn't
always contain the segment of the query that actually caused the
error, so I always add the full query to the error message to save
time in debugging.
Finally, die()ing on a mysql error is pretty harsh; a friendlier
application would return the error state to parent layers, translate
the error into advice a non-technical user can deal with, and display
it in a way that doesn't crash the page.
Rather than trying to remember to go through the code later fixing
these bits, I suggest adopting a convention early on that suits both
development and publication, such as:
define('bDebug', true);
$bResult = mysql_query($sql);
if (!$bResult) return ReportSQLError('checking user name',
mysql_errno(), mysql_error(), $sql);
function ReportSQLError($context, $errno, $errorMsg, $sql)
if (bDebug)
die("MYSQL ERROR $errno $context:<hr
/>\n$errorMsg<hr />\n$sql");
return $generate_friendly_error_message;
Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.
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