Hello, the question is simple... After I try to free a resultset in
postgres using pg_free_result() it returns false ... Can I use
pg_last_error() to get the cause of this last error? I have tried but it
returns an empty string and I do not know if it is because I cannot use
pg_last_error() thus. Thanks a lot...
Miguel J. Jiménez
Programador Senior
Área de Internet/XSL/PHP
Edificio BLUENET, Avda. Isaac Newton nº3, 4ª planta.
Parque Tecnológico Cartuja '93, 41092 Sevilla.
Teléfono: 955 036 800 - Fax: 955 036 849
"Killing is often a part of life. What's hypocritical is to condemn, and then make allowances when the situation suits."
Utu-Noranti Pralatong (Farscape 4x17 - A Constellation Of Doubt)
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