Re: Where to insert a phrase in the right place

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On Mon, April 9, 2007 2:51 pm, Mário Gamito wrote:
> I'm making this site that was static and now has some dynamic
> features,
> so it's a little bit patched :)
> If you care to visit
> you'll notice that the word "Welcome" is already present, and only
> should be after the download.
> Also, the error "You didn't fill all fields, please try again." is
> being
> displayed on page load.
> This is my problem and to which i ask you for your help.
> How can i make the word "Welcome" appear only after the login ?
> My code follows my signature.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Warm Regards
> --
> :wq! Mário Gamito
> --
> <p><a href="recover-password.php">Forgot your password ?</a>
> <?php
> if ($_GET['error']) {

It might be better to use:
if (isset($_GET['error'])) {


You have to do:
before you can use $_SESSION.

> $field1 = $_SESSION['field1'];
> $field2 = $_SESSION['field2'];

Why did you bother to get $_SESSION data if you're about to throw it

> // GET
> $field1 = urldecode($_GET['field1']);
> $field2 = urldecode($_GET['field2']);

$_GET is already urldecoded before you ever see it.

This is not Perl. :-)

So unless you've got something doing an extra extra bogus urlencode()
before it SENDS you the GET data, you shouldn't be doing urldecode.

[But you get bonus points for trying to do this all neat and proper.]

> }
> $email = mysql_escape_string($_REQUEST['email']);
> $pass  = mysql_escape_string($_REQUEST['pass']);


Some folks would claim you should use POST or GET specifically, but if
your application wants to response equally well to either, that's okay
too, imho -- Especially in the bad old days when you couldn't style
butotns/links to look like links/buttons. :-)

> include('config.php');
> include('adodb/');

include is NOT a function, so these parens are not doing what you
think they are doing...

> // connect to MySQL
> $conn->debug=1;
> $conn = &ADONewConnection('mysql');
> $conn->PConnect($host,$user,$password,$database);

I wouldn't recommend that a beginner use PConnect, as it is just going
to mess you up...

> // get password from db
> $rsSel = "SELECT name, password FROM subscribers WHERE email =
> '$email'
> AND valid = '1'";
> $rs = $conn->Execute($rsSel);
> $name        = $rs->fields[0];
> $password_db = $rs->fields[1];
> if ($pass != $password_db) {

It is customary to store the password in the DB as a one-way encrypted
hash.  For example, you could store the of the
password, and then compare md5($password) with $password_db

The point being that your DB has something like:
in it, instead of the actual password, so if somebody manages to break
into the DB or snag the data from it somehow, they STILL don't have
anybody's password.

>                   echo "<div class=\"blocoApresentacao\">

There are some lines missing here or something...

In addition to urlencoding() the data, you should also call
htmlentities on the whole URL before you dump it to the browser.

> <p>Wrong password, please try again.</p>
> </div>";
> exit;
> }
> print('Welcome ' . $name);

This print() statement is not inside an if(){ } block.

It's ALWAYS going to print.

> unset ($_SESSION['error']);
> $conn->Close();
> ?>
>                         <!-- end .titulo -->
>                         </div>
>                 <!-- end #secContent -->
>                 </div>
>                 <!-- end #Content e #picContent-->
>          </div>
>         </div>
>         <div id="footer">
>                 <p id="copyright">Copyright&copy;2006 Telbit -
> Tecnologias de Informa&ccedil;&atilde;o, Lda.</p>
> --
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