On Apr 3, 2007, at 1:13 PM, Mário Gamito wrote:
Sorry for the lame question, but i didn't find a satisfactory
answer in
the web.
I have this subscribe form (subscribe.php) and on submit i have to
for errors:
a) password and password confirmation mismatch;
b) missing filled fields
c) check e-mail validity
d) etc.
My question is how do i make all these possibilities show a different
error message without leaving subscribe.php ?
I know that the for action must be subscribe.php, from there i'm blind
as a bat.
Any help would be appreciated.
Warm Regards
:wq! Mário Gamito
// subscribe.php
if (isset ($_POST)) {
if (error condition 1) $_SESSION['error']['field1'] = $error = true;
if (error condition 2) $_SESSION['error']['field2'] = $error = true;
if (error condition 3) $_SESSION['error']['field3'] = $error = true;
if ($error)
// Using SESSION variables
$_SESSION['field1'] = $_POST['field1'];
$_SESSION['field2'] = $_POST['field3'];
$_SESSION['field3'] = $_POST['field3'];
header ("location: subscribe.php?error=someError");
// OR using GET variables
if (error in form) {
$list = "&field1=".urlencode($_POST['field1'])."&field2=".
header ("location: subscribe.php?error=someError$list");
} else if ($_GET['error']) {
$field1 = $_SESSION['field1'];
$field2 = $_SESSION['field2'];
$field3 = $_SESSION['field3'];
// GET
$field1 = urldecode($_GET['field1']);
$field2 = urldecode($_GET['field2']);
$field3 = urldecode($_GET['field3']);
<form action="subscribe.php" method="post">
Field 1: <input type="text" name="field1" value="<? echo $field1; ?
>" />
<? if ($_SESSION['error']['field1']) echo "Error 1!"; ?>
Field 2: <input type="text" name="field2" value="<? echo $field2; ?
>" />
<? if ($_SESSION['error']['field2']) echo "Error 2!"; ?>
Field 3: <input type="text" name="field3" value="<? echo $field3; ?
>" />
<? if ($_SESSION['error']['field3']) echo "Error 3!"; ?>
// Be sure to destroy the error fields so that they don't show up
next submit
unset ($_SESSION['error']);
That's one way to specify an error for each field. It's tedious, but
forms are. Hope that helps.
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