Re: PHP textbook suggestions?

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On 4/5/07, Zoltán Németh <znemeth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
2007. 04. 5, csütörtök keltezéssel 12.52-kor Chris Lott ezt írta:
> Looking for suggestions for a PHP textbook for an "Intro to Web
> Programming" class that will be using PHP5 and MySQL. This is a
> first-semester course, so no programming experience required.
> It would be nice to have a text that adhered to (what I see as) good
> practice using quotation marks... i.e.
> print 'The cost is ' . $cost;
> print "The cost is $cost";
> print ("The cost is $cost");
> echo substr('abcdef', 1);
> echo substr("abcdef", 1);

there is no difference between the above two echo statements. I'm almost
sure that there is absolutely zero difference between the two kind of
quotes when there are no variables involved

Zoltán Németh
I prefer using double quotes (" ") around strings, because i don't
have to escape single quotes (' ') in words like I'm, don't, etc.

> I will be teaching, so a book that a student can-- before the class--
> work through and understand is good-- doesn't have to be a traditional
> textbook! But it shouldn't be a reference manual either.
> c
> --
> Chris Lott

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