At 4/9/2007 02:18 PM, chris@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
If I search for something in mysql that returns an empty result I
cant get it to return
"No result found" always returns "Found" even though the recoed does
not exist...
$sql = "SELECT Client FROM booked WHERE Name = 'larry'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if ($result == "")
echo "No result found";
echo "Found";
$result tells you whether or not the query executed successfully. If
($result === FALSE), look to mysql_error() for a description of the
problem. Otherwise, $result is the handle to the query's result.
A successful (non-error-producing) query can return zero rows of
data. A perfect example is when you check a user table to make sure
a username isn't already taken before creating a new record.
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Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd.
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