Tijnema ! wrote:
On 4/16/07, Jochem Maas <jochem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Richard Lynch wrote:
> On Wed, April 11, 2007 9:00 pm, Jochem Maas wrote:
>> [PS - I've the pleasure of listening to a colleague do a manual
>> install
>> of Vista over an existing copy of XP and then get the really tricky
>> stuff
>> like the soundcard to work ... for the last week :-/]
> Give them an Ubuntu (or similar) CD and see if they want to just leave
> the Dark Side... :-)
yeah, but the vista story keeps getting worse.
how about:
1. '50% of applications can't use network because the router is in
compatible with vista'
a total WTF, apparently due to vista network 'auto-tuning' -
can only be turned off
via the cmdline.
2. undo/redo function in a whole stack of programs doesn't work unless
run the program in 'administrator mode'
3. openvpn doesn't work ... unless you run it in 'administrator mode'
4. when you finally give trying to run anything as anything other than
an adminstrator
user your still confronted with that freakin' 'administrator mode'
popup (which also
greys out the rest of the desktop) *everytime* you breath too loudly.
5. don't delete a folder if you want to get anything done today ...
well at the least you'll
probably get a chance to grab a another cup of coffee.
6. er ... I'll keep you posted.
How off-topic is this?
Considering the rest of the conversation(s) going on right now, not much
further OT than they are.
Are you picking on them as well?
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