PHP Users
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ignore_repeated_errors has no effect,
Simon Marchi
PHP importing CVS data with field mapping, Don Wieland
Detect timeout of stream_socket_client using STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT ?, Craig Mason
Shopping cart question,
read smb drive,
Steve Staples
How to code in PHP an onchange event in a <select>?,
Tomás Corrales Lemoine
Weird preg issue,
Alex Nikitin
Re: [PHP] Chinese words on a PHP web page,
Chinese words on a PHP web page,
Ernie Kemp
php-general-digest-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx not working?,
Marc Abramowitz
suhosin simulation blocks script,
David Oros
PHP sessions - users being automatically logged out,
Paul Waring
Pros/Cons of using mysqli prepared statments,
Tamara Temple
Problems converting strings with 0 to integer,
robert mena
Apache mod_pagespeed,
Thiago H. Pojda
include() and duplicate function definition,
David Nelson
PHP for Android,
Daevid Vincent
Re: HU2.PHP.NET, Daniel Brown
Password protected directory,
Ben Miller
time zone ignored (both via ini or in code),
Dan Yost
OLE-DB to Pervasive,
Richard Sharp
PHP sockets enabled but socket_create() gives an error call to undefined function,
crrrrrrr errrrrrr
Implementing optional methods in a concrete class, but calling them from an abstract class.,
Richard Quadling
updating sub-request parameters,
Daniela Floroiu
Re: [PHP] Fwd: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender,
Fwd: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender,
Tamara Temple
Re: [PHP] a question about user and permission on linux,
a question about user and permission on linux,
Ryan Sun
Integrating zend-facebook error,
Yuri Yarlei
Problem with "shell_exec",
Boyan Penev
Re: [PHP] include html,
Re: [PHP] search is not case insensitive,
Re: [PHP] questions about if statements regarding a checkbox,
search is not case insensitive,
Dr Michael Daly
include html, Karl DeSaulniers
questions about if statements regarding a checkbox,
Ben Brentlinger
Watermark with GD,
PHP with POSIX style message queues (mq_open() and friends),
Jameson Williams
Reply to an EMAIL get posted in a mySQL TABLE,
Don Wieland
form post question,
Re: Receiving Live data,
Daniel Brown
Forcing Download - IE Issue,
Floyd Resler
Application settings, configuration, and preferences.,
Jordan Jovanov
Re: [PHP] Character encoding hell,
Character encoding hell,
Marc Guay
objects and $_SESSION access control,
Lorenzo Marussi
Check for existence of mail address,
Looking for an open-source project,
Mert Oztekin
Re: Interfacing with telnet using curl, HM 2K
Best practice for if (!$stmt->execute()),
Rico Secada
Stripslashes redundancy question.,
Is there a way to write to the php error log from a php script?,
Tamara Temple
php imap_search fails for subject strings which have apostrophe,
nitesh nandy
Steve Staples
Entity 'reg' not defined,
TR Shaw
CMS plugin support,
Emil Guy
Fw: Dbase database - reg,
Model View Concepts,
Sebastian Detert
Convert hex string to hex value?,
Micky Hulse
Reminder On Mailing List Rules,
Daniel Brown
Re: Reminder On Mailing List Rules, Peter Lind
A mysql question...,
Midhun Girish
Re: [PHP] "My truth comes out" [1],
"My truth comes out" [1],
Re: [PHP] I need some thoughts on code duplication and separation,
I need some thoughts on code duplication and separation,
Rico Secada
Independent Contractor Suggestions,
Returning results,
David McGlone
Calendar Logic Help,
Floyd Resler
Weird Behavior,
Don Wieland
Error handler script, Teto
Unicode - Entitiy Encoding, Sebastian Detert
Possible foreach bug; seeking advice to isolate the problem,
Jonathan Sachs
Fiscal Years and Quarters,
Don Wieland
simple class & constructor,
David McGlone
PHP stream_socket_client OpenSSL error (unknown ca),
Firs Day Of Week UNIX,
Don Wieland
Execute a php page and don't wait for it to finish,
Sessions only work in SSL,
Daniel Houle
Re: [PHP] PDO working via Apache but not at the command line?,
PDO working via Apache but not at the command line?,
Scott Baker
Re: [PHP] Formatting an ECHO statement.,
Re: Formatting an ECHO statement., Cris S
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: [PHP] Formatting an ECHO statement.,
work online,
Jordan Jovanov
mytrash@xxxxxxx auto responder,
Steve Staples
Formatting an ECHO statement.,
Shreyas Agasthya
Zip files: generate text file in archive on the fly,
Dotan Cohen
Re: [PHP] Questions from a Newbie,
About Character Set,
Questions from a Newbie,
Ethan Rosenberg
Re: Questions from a Newbie, Christian Heinrich
Re: Questions from a Newbie, Paul M Foster
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Questions from a Newbie, Ethan Rosenberg
Binary data unpacking,
Justin Martin
Re: [PHP] odd while behavior...,
odd while behavior...,
Jason Pruim
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of XXXXX bytes exhausted,
Julien Jabouin
Error message not understood,
Help with sending credentials?,
Brian Dunning
RegExp question: how to add a number?,
Andre Polykanine
Text messaging from the web,
Paul M Foster
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