Hello, I was trying to create a socket connection from a Solaris machine to a Red Hat machine to get the PATH in Red Hat machine remotely on Solaris machine and display it to the user. We have a PHP 5.1.6 installation on a Linux server (Apache) and PHP 5.2.6. on a Unix(Solaris) server(Apache) . The PHP version on Solaris is compiled with --enable sockets and phpinfo() displays that the sockets are enabled. In spite of this we get the following error when using this piece of code from the Solaris machine. The error: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function socket_create() in /XXX/ 5server.php<http://cad.njit.edu/u/d/x/dx8/public_html/clunk/swsearch5server.php> on line 21 The code; <?php set_time_limit(0); //ip of the server $addr = 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'; //port of the server $port = 2xxx; //create a socket $sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); /* This is line no 21 in the code. i have ommitted a few header comments */ //bind this socket with the above ip and port $ret = socket_bind($sock, $addr, $port); do { $ret = socket_listen($sock, 10); $msgSock = socket_accept($sock); $buf = socket_read($msgSock, 1024); Please let me know if you need any further details I might have missed. Thank you. Suyash Ramineni