PHP Users
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- Re: String passed to object constructor turning into aninstance of that object?, (continued)
- PHP 5.2.16 Released!, Ilia Alshanetsky
- How does one reply to messages on this list?,
Sam Smith
- sending email,
Marc Fromm
- Where is my array?,
Don Wieland
- Singleton with variable parameters,
Sebastian Detert
- Re: [PHP] Error Querying Database,
- Error Querying Database,
- PHPInfo disabled due to security,
Paul S
- Under which distribution(s) is PHP developed, compiled, and tested?,
Dan Schaefer
- PDO: good, popular?,
Sam Smith
- Re: PDO: good, popular?, Nathan Rixham
- Re: PDO: good, popular?, David Hutto
- Re: PDO: good, popular?, Richard Quadling
- Re: PDO: good, popular?, larry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: PDO: good, popular?, Adam Richardson
- Re: PDO: good, popular?, Paul M Foster
- array_multisort into Natural order?,
George Langley
- Re: [PHP] empty() in email message,
- empty() in email message,
- Parsing a phrase,
Rick Dwyer
- Re: [PHP] code quest - ECHO?!?,
- Announcing New PHP Extension: FileConv,
Daniel Brown
- A general discussion of libraries and frameworks,
Adam Richardson
- RE: A general discussion of libraries and frameworks, Bob McConnell
PHP 5.2.15 Released!, Ilia Alshanetsky
PHP 5.3.4 Released, Johannes Schlüter
sending emails,
Marc Fromm
Scalable Vector Graphics with PHP,
sudarshana sampath
ORM doctrine,
Tommy Pham
zip_entry_read buggy? runs endless on file with crc-error - freezes on corrupt file,
Merlin Morgenstern
how can one run python script in php,
No errors gets displayed, just a blank page,
Rico Secada
PHP4 to PHP5 migration with E_STRICT,
Tom Robinson
newbie basic realm protection - why don't the input usr/pass stick?,
new keyword combined with other things...,
Alexandru Patranescu
How can I call GD's imagepng() directly from my class?,
Daevid Vincent
Webservice Wsdl - to do or not to do?,
Augusto Flavio
Barcode Reader,
Floyd Resler
Redirect output to a file on the web server,
http request,
desire your recommendation for our specific HTML -> PDF project,
Pass a value as hidden to PHP,
Larry Sandwick
Re: [PHP] Closing Browser,
Richard Quadling
magento shopping options don't response to quicksearch, Qin manu
Closing Browser,
Ethan Rosenberg
PHP 5.2.15RC2 & 5.3.4RC2 Released for Testing, Ilia Alshanetsky
Queuing servers,
Centralizled Authentication,
AmirBehzad Eslami
$_POST issues,
Bundhoo M Nadim
PHP shows nothing,
Mohammad Taghi Khalifeh
Little Assistance..., Don Wieland
LDAP, Active Directory, and permissions,
Chris Knipe
excel and word files to HTML,
Form Processing,
Ron Piggott
mySQL query assistance...,
Don Wieland
EE1 plugin code/htmlentities() question,
Micky Hulse
Poor newsgroup server performance,
Disk IO performance,
Larry Garfield
I have a question about MLM,
Ron Orth
Strange Query Error...,
Don Wieland
Problem with RegEx for BBCode,
Asmann, Roland
Re: Problem with RegEx for BBCode, Richard Quadling
PHP Add +1 mysql updates by 2?,
Richard West
code quest,
Kirk Bailey
MySQL database export to Excel,
Sotiris Katsaniotis
PHP-driven alternative to Crystal Report, AmirBehzad Eslami
preg_match fails to resolve variable as a subject,
Da Rock
Possible issue in mail() function?,
Tom Hendrikx
Re: [PHP] Fw: Spoofing user_agent,
Fw: Spoofing user_agent,
Ron Piggott
any way to iterate the fields in a class,
Suppressing error from displaying,
Ron Piggott
curl and variable parameters in hyperlink,
Bob Keightley
is this thing on??,
Steve Staples
rewriteTextLinks.php - make URLs in plain text clickable,
Eclipse Manual,
Ethan Rosenberg
Procedural Autoloader?,
Jason Pruim
Can't find existing file,
Dee Ayy
Mysql data encryption / Transparent data encyrption, nitesh nandy
Wordpress Page: How to add pagination?,
vince samoy
range header in curl?,
Tontonq Tontonq
How to install ext/intl on Mac OSX (NumberFormatter and so on), cimodev
E-mail injection question,
Problem with functions and arrays...,
Jason Pruim
MySQL Query Help,
Ben Miller
How good is IIS for hosting PHP? Can I get stuff like mod_rewrite rules, op-code caching, etc.?,
lavanya pandita
My project requires creating office documents on PHP. Any recommendations on what to use?,
chetan ahuja
How to protect the source code.,
Hans Åhlin
ENC: RES: I am a Windows programmer and getting started on PHP, Alejandro Michelin Salomon
persistent object caching, Sven Richter
Re: RES: [PHP] I am a Windows programmer and getting started on PHP,
PHP Sockets, problem with remote execution (exec/system),
Ronny Tiebel
smary assign var,
Tontonq Tontonq
PHP 5.2.15RC1 & 5.3.4RC1 Released for Testing, Johannes Schlüter
Secure PHP Code,
Kaushal Shriyan
I am a Windows programmer and getting started on PHP. What is the easiest way of getting started? Most of the stuff I encounter seems to be very Linux specific.,
Keerat Singh
I am trying to install PHP on a Windows box, but the PHPINFO page does not load up. Where could I be going wrong?,
Kirti Kumar
database design in a survey/poll system,
Securing Use of PHP site,
Don Wieland
mod rewrite - DMXzone's PHP Pagination,
Richard West
Re: [PHP] protecting email addresses on a web site,
APC 3.1.5 never hitting cache - PHP-5.3.3 with APC-3.1.5-beta with Apache under Fedora Core 13, Yermo Lamers
Why the PEAR hate?,
Hansen, Mike
Re: [PHP] mysql help (sorry, a bit OT),
mysql help (sorry, a bit OT),
DOMDocument/DOMElement problem,
Peter Lind
Is it possible to install PHP on IIS?,
Himani Aggarwal
Switch Question...,
Steve Staples
Retrieving function values,
Ron Piggott
Returning values from a function,
Ron Piggott
PHP loop to issue sql insert,
Rick Dwyer
Re: [PHP] Re: String manipulation,
confusion about the file extension for php interpreter to interpret,
Re: [PHP] question about preventing polling for more than once,
question about preventing polling for more than once,
Open Source PHP/ mySQL Project Management,
Don Wieland
use of ini vs include file for configuration,
Tamara Temple
How do I convert the string "E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE" to the decimal equivalent 6135?,
Daevid Vincent
parse_ini_file() seems to be broken in PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.12,
Daevid Vincent
php running as module or cgi?,
Help with variable variables not being set for a multi-dimensional array,
Daevid Vincent
Re: [PHP] Updating a GET variable,
Updating a GET variable,
Marc Guay
Dušan Novaković
Basic question,
Tseveendorj Ochirlantuu
After parsing,
Vermis The Issue Tracking System,
Lukasz Cepowski
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