RE: desire your recommendation for our specific HTML -> PDF project

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Govinda [mailto:govinda.webdnatalk@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 3:12 PM
> To: PHP-General List
> Subject:  desire your recommendation for our specific HTML -> PDF
> project
> Hi all
> I have a question which I see from googling has been discussed at length..
> but I want to know what you would recommend based on our particular
> needs.  I want to be on the right track before I find out a- week-of-work
> later that I chose the wrong tool (a tool which works, but whose
> in the end, would rule it out for our project).
> We have a dynamic HTML page that displays 30 "address labels" within the
> dimensions of one single US-letter-size document.  We want the user to be
> able to print the single letter-sized page and have the content line up
> perfectly (as it does in the browser) for the Avery address label
> sticker paper which they will use to then peel the 30 stickers and affix
> physical product.  The HTML page is ~ 200k worth of HTML (<div>s and
> <table>s), text, gifs, jpgs, a barcode PNG graphic, and heavy use of
> CSS - CSS2 as well as a touch of CSS3 (CSS3 property transform), i.e.
> /* --- for firefox, safari, chrome, etc. --- */
> -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
> -moz-transform: rotate(90deg);
> /* --- for ie --- */
> filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1);
> ...which I use to rotate (90 degrees) a barcode which I grab off of this
> site/service:
> We could drop that barcode PNG/service only if I could easily replace it
> another... and the barcode must be rotated 90 degrees - to thus fit in its
> (vertically-oriented) alloted slot on each of the
> 30 "address label cells".
> A thread on stackOverflow has people making recommendations all over
> the map.. as I would expect - our needs and experiences are all over the
> map.
> - I wish we had budget for the server version of PrinceXML ;-) ... but no
> - I have never used any PHP libraries like FPDF or TCPDF, but am concerned
> about speed; corporate users (on various browsers) will need the pdf in
> time.  They may be patient and wait for the final PDF if keep the solution
> free.. but if it takes minutes to generate, that is a minus point.


Have you/your team consider using pure CSS (using media screen & print) for
formatting?  This may save you from having to deal with PDF (extra codes ->
slower performance, extra steps in save then print, extra storage space just
for temp save, etc... ) since they only need to print as you mentioned.  If
you use CSS pt (1/72 inch) unit, you should get a pretty good precision.
IMO, I only see the need to save as/generate PDF if it's to create an
e-book, just to print to paper is not worth the time & effort. With either
method CSS/PDF, you'd still have to deal with the exact formatting & layout
(with PDF, you may have to twice - once for the screen and again in PDF).

> Also I am not sure how good these are for HTML -> PDF (as opposed to
> straight PDF from scratch).. plus not sure how good is the CSS support.
> page is a bit of an HTML/CSS kludge.
> - I have used the command-line tools HTMLDOC and wkpdf, but the former
> lacked the CSS I need now, and the latter introduces margin that kills it
> exact address-label formatting (plus this project is on Linux).
> My PHP skills are not super strong yet.. but I am willing to do whatever
> takes to pull any solution together.
> In case you have any familiarity with any PDF generation tools that you
> would fit the need here, then *please advise*!
> Thanks!
> -Govinda
> ------------
> Govinda
> govinda(DOT)webdnatalk(AT)gmail(DOT)com


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