RE: PHP loop to issue sql insert

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$simple = "select count(*) as count, searchkeywords from searchtable group
by searchkeywords order by count desc";
$stuff = mysql_query($simple);

If(mysql_num_rows($stuff) >= 1)
	While($toarray = mysql_fetch_assoc($stuff))
	$doit = mysql_query("INSERT INTO mytable (count, color) values
('$toarray[count]', '$toarray[searchkeywords]')");
	Echo mysql_error();

I am not sure why, don't care. Here is a very simple pull from this table
insert into this table with the looped data.

Richard L. Buskirk

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon J Welsh [mailto:simon@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 8:16 PM
To: Rick Dwyer
Cc: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re:  PHP loop to issue sql insert

On 15/11/2010, at 12:47 PM, Rick Dwyer wrote:

> Hello List.
> I have a sql command that counts, groups and sorts data from a table.  I
need to insert the results of that sql command into different table.
> My sql SELECT looks like  this:
> select count(*) as count, searchkeywords from searchtable group by
searchkeywords order by count desc;
> and returns records like this:
> 578	green
> 254	blue
> 253	red
> 253	yellow
> 118	orange
> .... etc.
> My PHP looks like this so far:
> $sql = "select count(*) as count, searchkeywords from searchtable group by
searchkeywords order by count desc";
> $result = @mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die("Couldn't execute checkcat
> $num = mysql_num_rows($result);
> echo $num;
> The echo is of course returning the total number of records.... not data
as listed above.
> I know a WHILE statement is to be used here, but can't get it to work.
> How do I loop through the above found data, inserting each value as like
> insert into mytable (count, color) values ("578", "green");
> insert into mytable (count, color) values ("254", "blue");
> ...etc
> Thanks,
> --Rick

Personally I'll get MySQL to do it for me using: insert into mytable (count,
color) select count(*) as count, searchkeywords from searchtable group by
searchkeywords order by count desc (see for more
information on INSERT ... SELECT)

Otherwise, you'll want to use mysql_fetch_assoc($result). Examples and
information can be found at
Simon Welsh
Admin of

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