After parsing

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The parse  worked great, got all the information I needed. Being so new to php, I am not sure how to get this information to display in an html  table so that I can style it...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  It displays in my browser but I have not been able to figure out how to get it into a table on a page. (This is not the whole script, just wanted to show the portion to try to give a picture...of what I was working with... SimpleXMLElement.)

foreach ($guildxml->guildInfo->guild->members->children() as $char) {
	 if ( $char['level'] < 20 ) continue;  
    $toonrace    = return_race($char['raceId'], $char['genderId']);	  //    Maps Race and Sex
    $toonclass    = return_class($char['classId']);		  // Maps class name
    $toonrank = return_rank($char['rank']);	    //    Maps guild rank name
    $cch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt ($cch, CURLOPT_URL, $charurl . $char['url']);
    curl_setopt ($cch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt ($cch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT,  $browser_user_agent);
    $charxml = curl_exec($cch);
    $detailxml = new SimpleXMLElement($charxml);
    echo '<b>Name:</b> <a href="' .$charurl . $char['url'] .'" target="_blank">' . $char['name'] . '</a> ';    //Includes an armory external link
    echo '<b>Class:</b> ' . $toonclass . ' ';
    echo '<b>Race:</b>' . $toonrace . ' ';
    echo '<b>Rank:</b> ' . $toonrank .' ';
    echo '<b>Level:</b> ' . $char['level'] . ' ';	    // Displays char level
    echo '<b>Professions: </b> ';
    foreach ($detailxml->characterInfo->characterTab->professions->children() as $profession) {
	    if ($profession['name']=NULL) continue;
	    // Displays all of the professions and skill levels and maximums
	    echo $profession['name'] . ' (' . $profession['value'] . '/' . $profession['max'] .') ';
    echo '<b>Specs: </b> ';
    foreach ($detailxml->characterInfo->characterTab->talentSpecs->children() as $spec) {
	    // Displays all of the specs in use and their builds and names.  It is easily possible to show which one is active as well.
	    echo $spec['prim'] . '(' . $spec['treeOne'] . '/' . $spec['treeTwo'] . '/' . $spec['treeThree'] . ')  ';
    echo '<br>';
}  ggestions?  The manual is a bit overwhelming, and I have searched for a solution, am really lost. 

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