dear list - good Morning! i want to parse the site - and get the results out of it: therefore i need to loop over the line 2 - don  i!? <?php $data = file_get_contents(''); $regex = '/Page 1 of (.+?) results/'; preg_match($regex,$data,$match); var_dump($match); echo $match[1]; ?> in order to get the details of the pages - and so forth - well i need a foreach statement in line two - don t i!? just help me with this seven-liner ;) on a sidenote: measuring code in terms of how many lines it took to write is a Perl-coder-attitude. Only Perl programmers care about that and i find it hard it is to read Perl code. love to hear from you ___________________________________________________________ GRATIS! Movie-FLAT mit Ãber 300 Videos. Jetzt freischalten unter -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: