On Nov 2, 2010, at 12:37 AM, Nathan Nobbe wrote:
On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 11:22 PM, Karl DeSaulniers
<karl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I need to basically grab the source of the page as text. Then I can
do a replace() on the <link> tag. Then insert the text into an
Iframe. In theory, this I thought would be handled better server
side. Is this possible?
yes, there are a few options, fopen wrappers, curl or raw sockets
all come to mind. fopen wrappers sound like they may be easiest
for you.
Any examples or urls to make a fopen wrapper? Or is there a simple
function for getting the source text from a URL?
Thats all I really need, if I can get <html>...</html> in text, I'm
From that point I can insert the text into a hidden form field and
grab the text via javascript if need be (but very hackish) or with php.
I think that may be a solution, if I assign an include statement or
echo of the url inside a hidden form field.
A hidden form field will force the text to be saved and not parsed. I
I think the problem I'm having is that the domain I'm requesting
from is not the same domain as mine so their may be some security
right, this is why you would setup a server side proxy, to avoid
client side cross domain security restrictions, however you'll have
to change all the instances of the remote domain to your domain,
and ensure that your server actually is able to fulfill requests
for those resources.
Server side proxy.. I have heard of this, but do not know exactly
what a proxy does to know if it would be a solution.
I also have not seen one in action nor made one (that I know of), any
beginner tuts you can lend?
I also thought about injecting a link tag into the iframe at the
same time I load the HTML.
when you say link tag are you talking about <a> tags? you lost me
on this last line here.
IE: [code]
Get the text from their source, something like:
$htmlTextresult = <html>
<link href="css/fromtheirsite.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
media="all" />
... their content
then do a string replace on the link tag..
$newTextresult = str_replace($htmlTextresult, '<link href="css/
fromtheirsite.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />',
'<link href="css/frommysite.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
media="all" />');
$newTextresult = str_replace($htmlTextresult, 'css/
fromtheirsite.css', 'css/frommysite.css');
insert new text into the iframe..
$newTextresult = <html>
<link href="css/frommysite.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
media="all" />
... their content/ my style :)
Or is there a way to strip the text that is in the <head> , <body>
and <script> tags?
I could then insert those into a blank html file?
Browsers load the last style sheet on top of others.
this is true, but i doubt you'll be able to have it load a css file
from your domain atop a css file from a remote domain.
Well contrary, I think, only because all css tuts I found warned
about using the "!important" in your css as it would override an
external css.
Imported css has the least priority out of all and their css is
imported, maybe if I wrote the css as a <style> inline within the
text I received from the source?
I know that would work as far as my css beating out theirs. And the
idea is to get the source and replace the text that points to their
css (the <link> tag) with mine before its parsed.
If I could just get the link tag into the iframes contents right
after I get the source text in there, it may work. But there is
also the issue of correctly assigning the classes and I'd that are
used in the iframe. Like
iframe.holder .someclassusedbythem {}
Or do I do?
iframe#holder .someclassusedbythem {}
#holder .someclassusedbythem {}
Sorry if I'm OT with that.
shrug, no worries, but im too lazy to dig into the details of
client side options. :)
Hey thanks for your help Nathan. I was starting to think I needed to
You have sparked the curiosity again.
Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm