PHP Users
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pg_connect requiressl it helps me please,
Fernando Cardoso
Delete all files in DIR every 20 days,
Tim Burgan
User Passwords: checking for unique chars,
Alex Gemmell
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: User Passwords: checking for unique chars, Mike Johnson
RE: User Passwords: checking for unique chars, Chris W. Parker
Information, wez
MySQL 4.1 upgrade under PHP4,
C.F. Scheidecker Antunes
php/mysql url validation methods...,
darren kirby
Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\PHP\ext\php_mssql.dll',
Determine SERVER_NAME,
Gerard Samuel
Project partners London, jACKY kENNA
need help parsing named.conf file,
Torsten Rosenberger
Ensure a number is three digits long,
Dynamic PHP links,
Eduard Grigoryan
inheriting from non similar types?,
Artificial Intelligence for PHP,
C.F. Scheidecker Antunes
SimpleXML & internal entity references, Rolf Brudeseth
create/edit videofiles with php, arjen
Advice/opinion requested on page section lineup,
Users logins in Linux machine,
Bruno Santos
Question: re: Session-only cookies and Firefox,
updated php $_GET,
Jacco Ermers
Re: unknown,
Minimalist permissions,
Ugo Bellavance
LibMcrypt and Mcrypt and Mhash - OH MY!,
Steven Altsman
Re: PHP User Permissions, Ugo Bellavance
Convert a string to ASCII,
Uploading products in database using zip file?,
How can I read the output from a local php file [fopen()]?,
Checking the Version of mySql and settings on server,
[Fwd: Re: [PHP-WIN] Re: SESSION], Jason Barnett
fsockopen: fetching url,
branimir . topic
Re: fsockopen: fetching url, Bostjan Skufca @
Re: Limit iterations on a foreach loop?,
Greg Beaver
How do you read one of these parameters?,
Brian Dunning
Adding Business Days,
Ben C
quotemeta() question...,
Steve Kaufman
quotemeta() function..., Steve Kaufman
Re: Its me, schuld
Creating a varable with a name held in a string,
Ben Edwards (lists)
Re: Creating a varable with a name held in a string, Richard Lynch
Re: php in free() error,
Jason Barnett
export mysql to csv prob,
Redmond Militante
avoiding user using back button-need to re-route,
Angelo Zanetti
pdf properties,
Jason Motes
Magic Quotes Removal code - almost there,
Ben Edwards (lists)
RE: Student Suspended, Jack Scott
fireing function with onChange,
Aaron Todd
ENOUGH!! RE: AW: [PHP] Student Suspended Over PHP use., tg-php
RE: AW: Student Suspended Over PHP use.[Incredibly OT],
Jay Blanchard
RE: Student Suspended Over PHP use.[Incredibly OT],
Jay Blanchard
looking for an app that does categories/lists..., bruce
Refresh Problem,
Jose Angel Sanchez (Jone)
imagettftext color problem,
Anni Hienola
errors not reported,
Parsing whois lookup information,
Harish Rao K
PHP Development IDE's/Editors,
Darren Linsley
mail() function,
Bosky, Dave
Re: Proof of concept, troels
File upload, suid directory and temporary dir,
ADNET Ghislain
Primer for working with arrays,
Robert Sossomon
Prevent browser back...,
Ashley M. Kirchner
Multi-Page Forms,
Weighted Lists,
W Luke
Student Suspended Over PHP use.,
Bosky, Dave
Shared variable,
Mario Stiffel
Fatal Error Handling,
James Taylor
perl's Config::Ini File Module equivalent in PHP,
Nikhil M
FTP script and project,
ability to use extract to $this vars in a class,
phpBB alternatives?,
Tony Di Croce
is_dir & is_file bugs?,
Afan Pasalic
stream_set_timeout() stream_get_meta_data() etc...,
Cannot upload a file greater than 500 KB,
Todd Cary
Cerauno Technologies announces the release of DocGuru Professional 1.0,
Akhil Dhanuka
excel -> ( csv -> ) mysql ?!?,
Afan Pasalic
Problem using return from a class.,
Ben Edwards (lists)
Dan Trainor
reading/writing files outside of web root,
Phil Ewington - 43 Plc
timestamp problem?,
Balu Stefan
Highlighting a stored value as 'selected',
Re: PHP/5.0.3 & MySQL 5.0.2 Stored procedure (OUT),
Curt Zirzow
ncurses woes...,
Grimes, Dean
How do I collect the keywords a user entered when searching for my site,
Tim Burgan
Secure system calls -- how,
Re: [users@httpd] Favorite Linux Distribution,
The Disguised Jedi
Strange key behaviour,
Johannes Reichardt
Favorite Linux Distribution,
The Disguised Jedi
Retrieving an URL paramter via fsockopen,
Larry Laffer
RE: Server Uptime,
Sam Masiello
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Server Uptime, Brad Ciszewski
- Message not available
array_map() problems,
Jeffery Fernandez
updating php,
blackwater dev
Storing CCN's Again...,
Tony Di Croce
vijayaraj nagarajan
Using Apache SSL from PHP: tutorial?,
symbulos partners
Question about php.ini,
Stephen Wong
MySQL Error 1251 / phpMyAdmin,
PHP, exception and PostgreSQL,
mysqli connection problem,
Denis Gerasimov
Apache 2.0.52, PHP 5.03, FreeBSD 4.10 memory problems,
Sander Holthaus - Orange XL
How to prevent user directly input SQL query,
CfP: Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web, Sören Auer
Checking directory existance,
Ashley M. Kirchner
Remote Procedure Call Failed,
Alex Gemmell
Public/Private Key Encryption,
Daniel Bowett
Control Structures,
[HAB] How to build a member area with PHP Sessions,
OOzy Pal
installing php on 2 apache server,
Stephane Parenton
stream filters (php5), Tjerk Meesters
about watermark,
Global and Local include_path settings,
John Nichel
Where's xml in PHP5?,
Brian V Bonini
correction to my previous mail, Sasidhar Kalagara
Problems with PHP and MySQL,
wait function,
Alessandro Rosa
Php Problem Parsing or so I think,
Carinus Carelse
Trying to match two tables' data,
Problem with session,
Job Recruitment and Support Ticketing Appz,
Jason Paschal
Expression for deleting all cookies,
Ross Hulford
connection pooling,
Bosky, Dave
PHP5 Exception Handling,
Gerard Samuel
interface development,
Winn Johnston
imagecolorallocatealpha() error,
Kurt Wagner
array_map in conjunction with user_call_func_array - inconsistency,
Jochem Maas
[suspicious - maybe spam] gzcompress fuction missing,
Scott Mueller
Is it Possible?,
Sagar C Nannapaneni
Connecting To Multiple MySQL Databases,
newbie question regarding forms and drop down list,
Max Krone
Escaping using htmlentities, W Luke
sending set NUMBERFORMAT,
Nuzzo Art-CINT116
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] being trimmed,
Verdon Vaillancourt
mcrypt public and private key,
Daniel Bowett
Problem solved!, Jerry Miller
Clear POST variables on page refresh,
Richard Morley
I need to create a search that will search partial files names of images and display the images. Basically, I have a folder on the internet that has security camera images dumped into it with a file name like this:,
Premature end of script headers: php,
blackwater dev
String -> Number Automatic Conversion,
Nuzzo Art-CINT116
Using a recursive ArrayIterator, V Kam
Copy mySQL database...,
Russell P Jones
Script stuck on final ?>,
Hoe does that work -> http://www.domainname.con/?var=lakjhd (instead of http://www.domainname.con/file.php?var=lakjhd)?,
symbulos partners
Howto disable echo back in windows?,
Unreal HSHH
Reading a .doc or .rtf file in php,
Headers already sent error,
Tim Burgan
Is there a function to c if a php function exists,
Ben Edwards (lists)
problems with session timeout,
Pedro Henrique Calais
Using SELECT IN with arrays,
W Luke
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