Tony Di Croce wrote: > OK... Here's a slightly different, but related question... > > Can database connection resources be serialiazed and re-used in a > different script invocation? For example, can I open a DB connection, > assign it to a $_SESSION[] variable and then later use it on a > different page? Somehow, I doubt it... The closest you can come to that is with mysql_pconnect (or xxx_pconnect). When you wade through the cruft, it basically boils down to each Apache child process holding onto a connection. You therefore MUST configure MySQL through /etc/my.cnf to have AT LEAST that many connections available (the number of Apache children) Actually, you want a few SPARE MySQL connections, so you can use the mysql command line monitor to do things -- Particularly in case of a run-away PHP/MySQL script which slams the server into over-drive... If you don't have a connection available cuz they're all used up by Apache/_pconnect, you can't log into mysql monitor and you can't use mysqladmin to bring it down nicely and... Don't do that. :-) You are correct that trying to preserve the connection through $_SESSION or other ways to cross from script to script will fail miserably. This is true even with _pconnect, which should probably not be called "persistent" but, rather, "re-usable" as it really ends up being "persistent" only in MySQL space, and Apache/PHP still need to "rebuild" the connection, but it's WAY faster cuz MySQL has it sitting there ready and waiting for you, instead of starting from scratch each time. -- Like Music? -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: