KDE General Discussion
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- Re: Re: Images in KMail, (continued)
- bugzilla, Bob Stia
- Video stopped working in Kaboodle,
James Richard Tyrer
- missing session tab,
- kde 3.3.1 issue,
Aditya Pratap
- Menu font sizes,
David Corbin
- KBabel Catalog Manager stops in first file when doing a string search, Zé
- Custom KWin popup menu,
Andy Teijelo Pérez
- Wrong age in Kontact Summary Birthdays list,
Andy Teijelo Pérez
- kcron does not work with vixie cron.,
David Harel
- good ftp client, Georgi Ivanov
- Disk i/o overloading and cpu monitoring, Pol
- Upgrading from 3.1 to 3.3.2,
- apps on kicker, wrong title bars, etc,
- Remote login - xdm,
Larry Howe
- mass management of KDE desktops,
Faraz R Khan
- making a destop icon for Firefox and Thunderbird,
sam bonham
- kmail events and notifications,
- can not load courier[adobe] font,
- kde "run command" doesnt run scripts!, JR
- kde panel kicker transparent,
Marc Collin
- Problem printing certain eps graphics, Basil Fowler
- Desktop Icons question,
- linking kmail to kaddressbook, Alan Chandler
- kaddressbook problem,
Bob Stia
- Saving a KDE Session,
Bogus Zaba
- ownership,
Mauro Sacchetto
- Re: kde Digest, Vol 21, Issue 24, Larry L. Davis
- KDE 3.3.2 Xinerama question,
Adam Patacchiola
- kdesdk-3.3.2 does not compile on MDK 10.1. ./config ok., rec.sea@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Warning message filling up .xsession-errors, Francesco Biscani
- KDevelop Code Completion,
Andy Teijelo Pérez
- SUID & kcheckpass, Mauro Sacchetto
- ksnapshot save as png filesize too large, Felix Miata
- ksnapshot restore, Felix Miata
- creating a link to a directory,
John Sowden
- Docbook WYSIWYG editing with Quanta+, Pupeno
- Konqueror and Bugs with "document relations",
Stefan Stolz
- Gecko on Konqueror,
Mikhail Ramendik
- rdp / rdesktop from KDE-CVS ?,
Martin Koller
- Error Message While Booting,
Larry L. Davis
- CompactFlash with SanDisk, Forum.Mail
- Taskbar instable behaviour, Forum.Mail
- what happened to kde forum, relic
- arts started by kde doesn't work, relic
- klauncher and Desktop Icon error :Unknown protocol 'devices',
- web folder won't go to the right place anymore, Trevor Smith
- is there a temp file saved for kbabel after a crash with last modifications, Zé
- kdebindings & ruby, Mauro Sacchetto
- KDE 3.3.2 and GTK theme,
Michal Hlavac
- sound system works, but system sounds don't,
Frank Reifenstahl
- Applying patches (kdesdk-3.3.1-3.3.2.tar.xdelta).,
- continuous desktop refreshing every 1 or 2 seconds,
David Holden
- File previews,
Chris Gow
- Disabling pop-ups in konqueror system-wide,
Chris Gow
- kicker button program...,
Marc Collin
- Konqueror profiles,
Chris Gow
- Executing apps at startup,
Janne Ojaniemi
- can't open HTML files from kmail,
Mikhail Ramendik
- No sound...,
- Printer Manager in Control Center SUSE 9.2 ?, Forum.Mail
- Screensaver & psw,
Mauro Sacchetto
- Custom Menu - submenu or nested menu,
Rick Angelini (HPCD)
- remote desktop question,
Sylvain "Skarsnik" Colinet
- jre1.2.x,
- Kliper doesnt run when kde starts,
- vorbis probs again with kde 3.3.2, Gene Heskett
- Annoyance KDE SUSE 9.2,
Peter B Van Campen
- Web browsing is very slow,
Mike Pang
- Re: 3.3.2 (Mitja), Felix Suwald
- kde and aspell, Thorsten
- freetype,
Mauro Sacchetto
- aRts - "Test Sound" button failure,
- KDE applications oppening urls in cache,
Divided By 0
- 3.3.2,
- color and font on the desktop?,
B.W.H. van Beest
- font problem in debian,
- kppp, sol & diederic
- idea for screensaver and game,
- Add Printer Wizard from either DCOP or command line...., Gary L. Greene Jr.
- konstruct?, Gene Heskett
- sftp: protocol not working in Konqueror 3.2.1,
Neal M. Holtz
- Help for people with sight problems,
Anders Bruun Olsen
- Ark working with *.cab files, Zé
- Hotkey for moving window to a specific monitor, Gregor Göstl
- free text to speech software,
- The Integrated Desktop,
Iain Dooley
- custom timezones in panel clock?, Trevor Smith
- Using jack with kde,
- Session Management for Konqueror?,
Dexter Filmore
- menu freezes on system entry, Eugen Wintersberger
- Double-click behavior, Frank Huang
- Can't compile kdelibs 3.3.1, nicolas . beaubatie
- Can't add new contact to KAddressbook,
Guido Pinkernell
- tools menu,
- total frustration with firewire.,
john brennan-sardou
- krdc (Remote Desktop Connection) usage question,
Maximilian Renkin
kde based php editor with autocompletion?,
Importing HTML Bookmark File in Konqueror,
Jörg Spilker
KDE3.3.3 - config.log,
KDE Task Bar - Expanding,
Mark Miller
Small fonts on kde startup - Ubuntu, lonblu
configuration file syntax,
Rob Verduijn
Kweather error.,
Dag Rune Sneeggen
MIME Icons' Path?,
C. M. Rion
KDE 3.3.1 seems to be gradually breaking down here,
Guido Pinkernell
Missing fonts when upgrading to qt-3.3.3/kde-3.3,
John Nielsen
thumbnails folder,
compile kde 3.3.1,
small fonts on kde startup, lonblu
KRec, RealPlayer10 and Creative PCI 128 sound card, Basil Fowler
kfloppy format permission,
tommie ramirez andujar
Changing the underlying window manager (Kde 3.3.1 on debian),
firewire no go,
john brennan-sardou
k3b won't write CDs,
determining which .desktop file is used,
Chris Gow
k3b can't find installed dvd+rw-tools although it is at the right place,
wolfgang pauli
Remove "open with" entry in Konqueror,
Felix Suwald
Remote bookmarks, Alexandre Courbot
copy images from the screen quickly,
artsd and multiple users,
Tomasz Grobelny
Non KDE applications on kicker, Mark Walker
Konqueror problem,
Erik Jakobsen
Floating ToolBars in Konqueror,
James Richard Tyrer
desktop icons repositioned after logout,
Joey Richards
konqueror history,
Where has kisdndock gone to?, Michael N. Lipp
starting kde faster, zika
Desktop setup backup,
flash device,
Jack Mudge
KDE konqueror dvd iso problem,
URLs in kmail,
Darrell Esau
man page for dcop,
Chris Gow
konqueror navigation pane,
aterm transparency success?, Andy Harrison
bug in moving/overwriting a FOLDER,
Konsole beep,
Tomas Rett
Patching, James Richard Tyrer
kwin (KDE 3.3) confused by multiple screens, fandino
juk consumes all mem + swap when advancing, Ryan W Sims
Greedy korgac,
Frank Reifenstahl
can't compile docs,
windows resize,
Mark Walker
can't use HAL with media kioslave, Peppe
Client for Wikipedia Offline Browsing?,
Christian Mueller
Click and drag on desktop stays gray, Geoff
SuSE 9.2: Where is kuickshow?,
Carsten Schlipf
Disabling the bell in konsole,
Chris Gow
Debian KDE 3.2.2 CD installation,
Angelo Lopes da Silva
konqueror isnt capable to start kget by itself,
nvidia GeForce3 S-Video, Geoff
Problem with files association between Scribus and Konqueror,
Laurent Rathle
Missing GLX extension, Nick THOMPSON
All KDE apps crash : So called solution,
Guillaume CABUZEL
import mail from other kmail account, Zé
kb3 problem, John
Kuickshow showing blank,
Nathan Toone
XMMS and OpenGL Spectrum analyzer issue, David James Pettifor
konqueror serious bug,
maildir to the format mbox?,
User replication,
Mark Walker
Kooka package, Stephen Liu
As long as only unused fonts are removed, there should be no negative effect., SnapafunFrank
download files from cvs reposotory,
kget problems,
kmail menus missing,
error compiling kdelibs with file job.cpp 1.397.2.4,
Logging out of a fish:// session, Jani-Matti Hätinen
All KDE Apps crash suddenly,
Guillaume Cabuzel
Konqueror missing features,
DCOP call for url open,
Andy Teijelo Pérez
KDevelop & OpenGL,
Jason Dusek
kmail and power cuts and crashes,
Lock / Logout Reminder,
Storing sheet music,
Kopete and toolbars,
Taskbar text color, Jose Celestino
my list mail has stopped,
John Sowden
Mad font behaviour in Konqueror,
Daniël Mantione
Recent Documents maximum items,
Matt Seitz
heavy heavy
- <Possible follow-ups>
- question, heavy heavy
Knode developpement,
Sylvain 'Skarsnik' Colinet
this is a bug?,
KPOWERSAVE (2nd time of asking),
Mark Walker
KDIALOG (2nd time of asking), Mark Walker
Re: [kde-linux] Drawing a rectangle around files,
Bahram Alinezhad
change language->problems,
More questions,
Dual displays (screens),
Ivar Alm
problem with fonts (2nd round),
Miguel Angelo Rozsas
1. Re: KDE Remote Desktop (Izo), Bob Trautman
kpowersave, Mark Walker
Mark Walker
Doesn't it make developers mad??,
faraz khan
Problem scanning with Kooka/Epson Perfection 2400, Steven P. Ulrick
XAUTHORITY question.,
David Harel
Error loading 'kio_fonts',
Miguel Angelo Rozsas
Personalizing KDE,
Windows Media Server,
tommie ramirez andujar
Re: Links in kmail,
Kevin Krammer
KDE Remote Desktop,
Bob Trautman
Tray icons can't park in Kicker,
Milan Zamazal
how can I use an OLDER version of an app? (how to make the makefile & make the binary?), Miles Keaton
No backend found (Second try),
Rikard Johnels
kHotkeys not working,
Joe Riley
Re: How do I set up Multiple monitors so that I can move windows in between them.,
Jason Ekstrand
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