I've been wanting to do something that I was previously able to do in Windows until I switched to Linux over a year ago. It is quite simple, and there seems to be no effective way to do it in KDE.
I want to place the taskbar/panel on the left of the screen, expand it to about 300 pixels wide, and have it autohide.
With KDE, it seems to also expand the icons I have. This is useless to me, and I just want greater size to be able to read what windows I have on the taskbar, since I regularly have several windows open.
Is this possible to do, or did the KDE Developers never think of such a want?
Currently, there is no way to control the aspect ration of the icons or to have a list like: "Small Icons" if the file selector dialog.
This shows some ideas (although it isn't finished):
Note that the menu button is real:
The Quick Launcher doesn't work that way. :-( It has now been improved and works correctly with the large panel.
The other stuff is stock. The Panel is 132 pixels. I didn't add any Application Buttons yet.
-- JRT
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