PHP Users
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- Re: Problem with Object references in an array via for loop, (continued)
- use of static methods after namespaces arrive,
Iv Ray
- OT Smarty problem,
George Pitcher
- strcmp($var1, $var2) versus if ($var1 < $var2),
- Restricting access to a file,
John Comerford
- read xml files with namespaces, Selwyn Polit
- PEAR_Exception & PEAR_Error,
- looking a regular expresion,
Manuel Pérez López
- mime_content_type() sees .swf flash file as text/plain, Bob
- Header Redirect,
Yui Hiroaki
- Periodically delete old records from mysql table,
Stefano Esposito
Downloading movies / forcing download,
Ryan S
mail warning!!,
Emiliano Boragina
Very simple session question,
John Allsopp
How would you rewrite this snippet without using eval?,
Luigi Perroti
visibility + unserialization,
Ted Wood
exception handling,
Sandro Felicioni
how ROR is implemented in php,
validating username,
Weird update problem..,
Ryan S
scanned in & manipulate to a pdf,
Ronald Wiplinger
Image modifications,
Ronald Wiplinger
Still need help with some kind of memory leak in my php database program. General hints for php would help,
Mary Anderson
Re: Still need help with some kind of memory leak in my php database program. General hints for php would help, Bastien Koert
Advantages of declared vs undeclared object properties,
Weston C
array recursion from database rows,
Zend Extension,
Павел Манылов
which costs more ?,
Re: which costs more ?, Robert Cummings
recursive function,
Manuel Pérez López
openssl encryption, Christian Lerrahn
PHP authenticating user over SSL,
Gunnar Vestergaard
autoload issues,
Joakim Ling
WSDL-problem, Espen Frimann Koren
maximum lengths,
Jay Rogozinsky
page called from form "action=post" not appearing on screen,
who can tell me HI5.COM how to get contact list,
Please connect with me :), Etienne Finet
PHP + MySQL transactions,
Philip Thompson
php notify, Marty
Unzipping file through PHP,
Suamya Srivastava
Help preg_replace with Non-English character,
page suck attack,
mnoGoSearch and similar,
Mattias Thorslund
strip_tags and nl2br,
James Colannino
php mysql live feed,
Ray Hauge
reretrieve header from email,
Yui Hiroaki
unset thoughts,
Nathan Rixham
Re: 0T - Request for quick test, Ryan S
Function not in the documentation,
Christoph Boget
Help Call Javascript Methods Inside PHP,
Message not available
Re: Help Call Javascript Methods Inside PHP, Richard Heyes
Re: Help Call Javascript Methods Inside PHP, Shiplu
0T - Request for quick test,
Ryan S
Still not getting Includes right.,
Tyson Vanover
pg_update and PGSQL_DML_STRING, J. Manuel Velasco - UBILIBET
Dead code,
Aschwin Wesselius
Re: Semi-OT: PHP Login with client security,
Trying to install imagick PECL module,
Job: Wanted, Dead or Alive: PHP/Drupal programmers in Chicago,
Larry Garfield
syntax of sprintf,
sql syntax using sprintf, Sudhakar
XML file locking,
Loading 2M array crashes program .. but only some of the time,
Mary Anderson
php training institutes,
urlencode and urldecode,
Chris W
Persistent state applications,
James Colannino
euro currency convert,
Yui Hiroaki
String searching,
Chris W
problem with htmlspecialchars in version5.2.5,
It flance
Daniel Kressler
Threads PHP,
Cesar D. Rodas
HELP !!!!! PHP SOAP Not building objects correctly,
Tim Traver
Problems with includes,
Tyson Vanover
OT - Question about nested sortable lists,
Jim Lucas
encoding to a file,
J. Manuel Velasco - UBILIBET
php4 -> php5 session problem,
Juergen Falb
SetEnv directives in VirtualHost configuration not accessible in PHP,
Dietrich Bollmann
Plugins... (like wordpress?),
Ryan S
$_SESSION lost,
fsockopen + fputs,
question about validation and sql injection,
changing order of items,
afan pasalic
RE:Windows Service Call from linux php server, admin
My open source php CMS,
Flush file contents,
Mário Gamito
Working with internal data formats,
John Gunther
the class as a namespace,
Iv Ray
SCanning text of PDF documents,
Angelo Zanetti
Can I install a newer version of php over an older version,
Tony M
Using SVN w/ Zend Studio for Eclipse,
Steve Finkelstein
Validating Form input,
Chris W
Variable Scope from child to parent,
Tyson Vanover
Mic check 1, 2, 3...,
Jim Lucas
Re: Mic check 1, 2, 3..., Daniel Brown
Tracking down the elusive "expecting T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM",
Tyson Vanover
Two word array Value,
Mark Bomgardner
Scottish Devs,
Nathan Rixham
Question about setting up FTP Upload and using the FTP suite..., Mike McGonagle
How to get user IP address,
how do I stop Firefox doing a conditional get?,
Per Jessen
form validation using php, Sudhakar
validating using php,
fsockopen on ssl://,
bob pilly
Can Safari 3 be forced to cache a large jpeg with PHP headers?,
Rob Gould
validating textarea using php,
Scripts slowing down?,
René Leboeuf
calling rsync from php script,
Jean-Christophe Roux
cn2 dot can't be included in the mail., Yi Wang
Good HTML parser needed,
Re: Good HTML parser needed, James Dempster
Re: Good HTML parser needed, Per Jessen
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Good HTML parser needed, Yi Wang
using variable in php form before the form is POSTed,
php_svn.dll with Apache/2.0.63,
Vedanta Barooah
session.auto_start Linux vs Windows, Balpö
Permissions set on php script question,
David Jourard
Replacing accented characters by non-accented characters,
Yannick Warnier
convert query result to array,
It flance
PHP and a misbehaving contact form,
Fernando Ronci
Good XML Parser,
Waynn Lue
Ignore Tags,
Jorge Peña
mysql_pconnect issue,
creating an xls file from mysql data,
Richard Kurth
Help with a foreach statement,
Ron Piggott
Can I make EasyPHP on Windows allow remote connections?,
Safe mode story,
PHP-MYSQL Error: Can't connect to MySQL socket. Can someone help me out please?,
Division [maybe a bug],
jo opp
Month with leading zeros,
Ron Piggott
Improving development process / help with developer setup,
robert mena
A Little Something.,
Semi-OT: PHP Login with client security, Tim Thorburn
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: A Little Something., Daniel Brown
Re: Re: A Little Something., Wolf
Re: [PHP-WIN] Include Question!, Stut
usort inside a class,
It Maq
xml processing cdata,
Chris W
Re: unsubscribe,
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