Chris wrote:
Rob Gould wrote:
I am creating a touch-screen kiosk application, using a full-screen version of Safari 3.1, and was wondering if there's a way I can force Safari to cache a large background image JPEG.
What I'm finding is that Safari 3 will sometimes cache my large 1.1 MB background image (1680x1050), and display perfectly fine, but on occassion Safari 3 will "think about the cache" and Flash the screen white for a millisecond and then draw the screen. Firefox doesn't seem to have this problem, so unfortunately this is a Safari 3 only issue.
I really only want to cache this ONE image - - - nothing else. Is that possible?
How are you sending it? through a php script or through a normal html tag?
If it's through a php script, try setting a far-future expiry header.
Yeah PHP can send out appropriate headers to tell the browser to cache
the content delivered. You just use header() with appropriate
Cache-Control and Pragma etc. headers. There are lots of good resources
out there on how to do this so just google around now you know the
concept :)
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