First, my apologies for publishing the page without checking it first
for pet-peeves.
Second, please educate me as to the statement that "NoScript" is
blocking UrchinTracker. Where do I have declared NoScript and why
would I want it? I have numerous sites and they all generate these
same javascript warnings, but UrchinTracker still works and I have
sites that are very popular.
Third, the UrchinTracker code is Google's code and I do not think I
have any control over the warnings generated by their code -- do I?
Fourth, the site:
Was set up originally as an ajax site (requiring javascript) and I
did not give thought to what would happen if javascript was turned
off -- in my haste I violated one of the "prime directives" of
Graceful Degradation -- sorry!
If you will review the page now, you will find that has been
corrected -- the page works with javascript on or off.
Now, with all of that said -- which of you javascript experts can
tell me what I can do to stop the warnings that are generated by
Google's UrchinTracker code?
Thanks and Cheers,
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