> I do not want to copy the project into a new
> directory as the existing directory is where Apache's DocumentRoot is
> set. And although that's simple to change, I really don't think any
> IDE should mandate where I set my project's directory on the
> filesystem.
I use PDT, and there is no problem to import a project from its current
It might take you a while to exactly figure out how to do it, Eclipse is
a bit organic in respect to the organization and working of the menus.
> Also, if I try to create a new project from an SVN
> Repository, it doesn't allow me to select what directory I want the
> code checked out in.
This works very well with PDT and Subclipse.
> Otherwise I'd just cringe and let it overwrite
> what's in my existing document root, since that's all versioned code
> anyhow.
If your current document root is a checked out svn project,
PDT/Subclipse will "see" this, no need to overwrite anything.
> If any of you have run into similar frustrations, I'd love to hear it.
> So far I've spent the better part of the evening fiddling with
> extremely rudimentary features which no IDE in any programming
> environment I've ever worked with has imposed on me. Perhaps this
> thing isn't ready for mainstream yet, or perhaps I'm missing something
> obvious.
Again, I work with PDT/Subclipse.
Eclipse is simply too organic compared to what you are used to. Just
relax and give it a try and you'll love it.
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