Tyson Vanover wrote:
I am trying to keep my tools and pages segregated for a variety of
reasons (organization, security, etc). And I am having problems with my
includes on my LAMP box. My user facing tools are not including my
utility classes and files.
The root directory of my web server (www.hostname.com/) is:
My utility classes and files that need to be included by many of my user
tools are in subdirectories of:
included in these sub directories are tool testing pages
(toolname-test.php) and other includes. As long as the file that is
including other files is in the same directory as the files it is
including, it works just fine.
My user tools each have their own subdirectories off the webserver root
So I would think that to include my utility files into my user tools I
would start the file with something like this:
require "/Tools/tool1/tool1.php";
require "/Tools/tool2/tool2.php";
But when I do I get:
require(/Tools/dbtools/dbtool.php) [function.require]: failed to open
stream: No such file or directory /srv/www/html/lib/index.php, line 16
require() [function.require]: Failed opening required
'/Tools/dbtools/dbtool.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear')
/srv/www/html/lib/index.php, line 16
Am I missing something?
Their are two ways that come to mind.
1. Like Dan suggested, use the full path.
2. (I prefer this way), change your include_path setting either in your php.ini
file, virtual host, .htaccess or in your script to include the base path for
your web site "/srv/www/html/" and then you can call them by simply removing the
leading slash from your existing calls.
require 'Tools/tool1/tool1.php';
require 'Tools/tool2/tool2.php';
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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