You need to encode the # mark. It is a special character in URLs. Example (not a real url): That #help points to an anchor in that page. Try using the javascript escape() function. ~Ted On 27-May-08, at 10:14 AM, Sudhakar wrote:
my question is about validation using php. i am validating a username which a user would enter and clicks on a image to find if that username is available. example if a user enters abc#123 php file is reading this value as abc ONLY which i do not want instead the php file should read as abc#123. follow is the sequence of pages. please advice the solution. first page = register.php here a user enters a username and clicks on an image to find out if the username is available or not. using a javascript function of onclick i am reading the value entered in the form in javascript as ============================================= var useri = document.registrationform.username var valueofuseri = document.registrationform.username.value var recui = /^\s{1,}$/g; if ((useri.value==null) || (useri.value=="") || (useri.length=="") || (> -1) { alert("Please Enter a User Name") return false }"checkusernamei.php?theusernameis="+valueofuseri, "titleforavailabilityi", "width=680, height=275, status=1, scrollbars=1, resizeable=yes"); ============================================ second page = checkusernamei.php = this file uses GET to read what was entered in the form. ============================================ $username = $_GET["theusernameis"]; if( $username == "" || !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+(?:_[a-z0-9]+)?$/i", $username) ) { echo "username is blank or has special characters"; } ============================================ the # sign is being ignored only if the image is clicked in order to check the username, if the user enters abc#123 and clicks the submit button without clicking on the checkuser image button then my php validation for username shows an error message. ============================================================== if( $username == "" || !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+(?:_[a-z0-9]+)?$/i", $username) ) { echo "display error message for username"; } ============================================================== now the problem is with clicking the image only and passing using GET method how can i fix this problem. please advice. thanks. -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit:
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