After an all-evening debugging I found out what the problem is. Why? Please don't ask. I have no idea. The problem was php's extension php-colorerHow I got to the problem. Eliminating every extension until I got the *bad* one.
Thank you: Daniel, Thiago, Jens, Verny & Dmitri for your concern. Balpo Thiago Pojda wrote:
Actually his question was about why session.auto_start is not working on Linux, I almost answered what you both did :) Atenciosamente, Thiago Henrique Pojda Desenvolvimento Web +55 41 3033-7676 thiago.pojda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Excelência em Softwares Financeiros -----Mensagem original-----De: Daniel Brown [mailto:parasane@xxxxxxxxx] Enviada em: terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2008 16:43Para: Balpo Cc: PHP General Assunto: Re: $_SESSION NOT WORKING On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 2:38 PM, Balpo <balpo@xxxxxxx> wrote:Hi everyone, I'm having a problem moving my code to a linux computer. I won't post the whole code here, but an accurate example that reproduces exactly the error.[snip!] Modify 2.php as follows: <?php session_start(); print_r($_SESSION); ?> You only missed instantiating the session. The rest looks good.
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