PHP Users
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- Re: Document root, preferred way to find it???, (continued)
Aaron Todd
- Download with header() - file corrupted,
Werner Jäger
- Bypassing php.ini setting for file uploads?,
Matt Cassarino
- update of mysql to 4.x,
- Connecting to a AS/400?,
Frank Arensmeier
- update of mysql to 4.1,
- mailserver logfile analyser,
- sql query,
William Stokes
- PHP5 DOM - DomDocumentFragments empty,
Tobias Tom
- Delete last 15 chars from a file,
- Setting cookie on first visit,
Tom Whitbread
- patch to php 4.3.10 to disabling URL wrappers in include like statements,
Tom Z. Meinlschmidt
- auto refresh once,
William Stokes
- xml-rpc with php5,
Alex Duggan
- Catalog or cart,
Ryan A
- web testing,
blackwater dev
- How can I secure database passwords used by PHP webpages,
Rob Tanner
- Supporting "Cancel",
Richard Lynch
- PHP 5.1 CVS Interface Question,
Gavin Roy
- PHP5 Static Object Function Issue,
Gavin Roy
- Self calling PHP,
Phillip Armitage
- combining values,
William Stokes
- mysql problems,
Jed R. Brubaker
- Program flow?,
rory walsh
- (O-T) PHP developer position available,
Radu Filip
- How can I send a gif picture to the mobile client via php?,
- Spam and this list,
- RE: On Topic - Theoretical Concents of Anti-password trading/sharing solutions,
- php-help,
K Karthik
- PHP 4.3.10 and Apache2.0 with MPM,
- problem with mail(),
Stefan Sturm
- problem with mail() and attachment,
Stefan Sturm
- Logging with PHP to SMTP server,
_POST not working (using mini_httpd) - 2 attachments,
Current dilema for Novice,
James Marcinek
Inline Frame and php,
Todd Cary
HTTP Include Error,
header('www-Authenticate ...') Problem,
Apache and PHP,
Gustav Wiberg
Authentication fails,
John Swartzentruber
Problem configuring mhash,
Srinadh Sannidhanam
php DBMS,
Improving a MySQL Search,
James Nunnerley
function to resize images,
Bosky, Dave
textarea posting duplicate text,
Elizabeth Lawrence
Syntax Highlighting variables not appearing,
Tom Whitbread
Problem submitting a POST request "by hand",
Vallo Reima
problems with several JPEGs in GD2,
Mario Lopez
Pop-up message,
Lester Caine
Semi-OT: Anti-password trading/sharing solutions,
Dan Trainor
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Semi-OT: Anti-password trading/sharing solutions, Comm23A
RE: Semi-OT: Anti-password trading/sharing solutions, Mikey
Jason Bennett
How to retrieve form data?,
Gregg Nelson
Getting PHP to work with MySQL 4.1.10 under Fedora Core 3,
John Swartzentruber
Javascript & PHP,
timothy johnson
Mailing List Tool,
get_defined_vars in all scopes?,
// or /**/,
Upgrade question,
Charset and filenames,
Gustavo Lopes
how to move files from one place to another ?,
Vaibhav Sibal
timothy johnson
mcrypt_create_iv always returns same value?,
Murray @ PlanetThoughtful
How to handle actions that may take a long time?,
Cajus Pollmeier
RE: Uploading a File Solution, Jason Bennett
Uploading a File,
Jason Bennett
mail() takes a long time to process,
Dustin Krysak
file uploads,
Jeremy Freedman
Trouble Compiling 4.3.10 on FreeBSD 5.X, Tim Traver
seach engines that don't suck,
Colin Olkowski
http referer,
convert MS DOC -> PDF,
source code protection,
Quoting and $_POST['Name'] problem,
adodb paging problem,
Re: php.ini file,
Steve Buehler
Dynamically Generate Pleasing Colors,
Richard Lynch
Not able to add data to a MySQL database,
Vaibhav Sibal
Like ternary but without the else.,
Chris W. Parker
- Re: Like ternary but without the else., Jason Barnett
- Re: Like ternary but without the else., Justin Lilly
- Re: Like ternary but without the else., Brian V Bonini
- RE: Like ternary but without the else., rich
- Re: Like ternary but without the else., Jochem Maas
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Like ternary but without the else., Chris W. Parker
- RE: Like ternary but without the else., Chris W. Parker
- RE: Re: Like ternary but without the else., Chris W. Parker
- RE: Re: Like ternary but without the else., Chris W. Parker
- RE: Re: Like ternary but without the else., Chris W. Parker
Difficulty with SQL LIKE clause,
David Freedman
Open source portal systems???,
Kostyantyn Shakhov
Help Required: How to call .vbs file from .php file?,
What's up with the list?,
John Nichel
what does this mean?,
Diana Castillo
List gone quiet?,
Lester Caine
Re: SV: SV: SV: Copy? - What am I doing wrong???,
Jochem Maas
[NEWBIE] How to allow for <a href> tags but no others?,
PHP Extensions & Pass-By-Reference,
Chris Cranford
PHP Wiki,
Randy Johnson
php5.0.3 compile problem "cannot find libz",
list down,
RE: Having problem with "ob_start('gz_handler');" (seg fault) [SOLVED], Chris W. Parker
PHP and Access,
Bruno Santos
help with adding,
Jay Fitzgerald
HOWTO read PHP source code into a textarea,
Tim Burgan
FTP info in a variable,
Steve Buehler
Communication protocol of PHP and Mysql,
Bruno Santos
Problem with XML,
Juan Antonio Garrido
how to increase maximum upload file size,
Srinadh Sannidhanam
SV: [PHP-DB] Accents! Pls help. Still very confused., Henrik Hornemann
Identifying a user who previously created a profile,
PHP slowness,
William Stokes
Load a C library into extension?, N Deepak
Server includes and Absolute URL,
Capturing user's IP Address,
replace special characters,
Frank Arensmeier
fopen and redirects,
Warren Vail
html_entities_decode, but ignoring embedding php tags,
Tim Burgan
Word file to PDF,
Kevin Javia
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Word file to PDF, kermodebear
hash issues,
Erbacher Karl
Wierd PHP Problem,
Ahmed Abdel-Aliem
Web Browser Timeout on Upload Script,
Matt Cassarino
TO Bret Hughes ---- Accents! Pls help. Still very confused., mario
Can $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] be trusted?,
link to specific position in page,
Jesper Goos
sentence case,
Diana Castillo
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