Re: sql query

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Jason Petersen wrote:
On Wed, 2 Mar 2005 13:02:39 +0200, William Stokes <kalles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Can someone explain this to me. I don't know how to read this.

if (!$variable = mysql_query("select id,sessid from users where ...

What is this "if(!"

This is a way to run a SQL query, capture the return value, and
perform an action if the query failed. For code readability, I would
probably write that as two statements:

$variable = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blah");
if(!$variable) { error_handler(mysql_error()); }

in terms of readability an alternative if to write it like so:

if(! ($variable = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blah")) {
	// do stuff

what you have to realise is that the expression '$variable = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blah")'
has a return value itself - which just happens to be the same as the value of $variable.

to put it another way, when you do:

echo $variable;

your not saying:
	 "output the contents of this variable"
but your actually saying:
	 "output the result of the expression '$variable'"
it just so happens that the result of the expression is this case
if the contents of $variable.

hopefully you get what I mean!, no doubt there are others that can explain it better!

See the documentation for information on mysql_query return values:


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