Hi i use the following code as a login page for a restricted area it works fine on some servers when i enter the right username and password but it doesn't work on some servers when i enter the right username and password, and returns wrong username and password can any one tell me what possible reasons could make this code works on some servers and doesn't on other servers ? here is the code : <? session_start(); include 'config.php'; $username = $HTTP_POST_VARS['username']; $password = $HTTP_POST_VARS['password']; if((!$username) || (!$password)){ include 'header.html'; echo "<font color=\"#990000\"><b>Please enter ALL of the information!</b></font> <br />"; include 'login_form.html'; include 'footer.html'; exit(); } $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password'"); $login_check = mysql_num_rows($sql); if($login_check > 0){ session_register('user_id'); $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ foreach( $row AS $key => $val ){ $$key = stripslashes( $val ); } session_register('username'); $_SESSION['username'] = $username; header("Location: login_success.php"); } }else{ include 'header.html'; echo "<font color=\"#990000\"><b>You could not be logged in! Either the username and password do not match!</b></font><br /> <font color=\"#990000\"><b>Please try again!</b></font><br />"; include 'login_form.html'; include 'footer.html'; } ?> -- Ahmed Abdel-Aliem Web Developer www.ApexScript.com 0101108551 -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php