Marc Guay wrote: >> Does anyone have any ideas? > > Sounds like it's getting caught in a loop. Post the whole script for > best results. > It looks like the site is under attack, because I keep seeing the query, "SELECT catagory_parent FROM t_catagories where catagory_ID=" . $_currentCat" where $_currentCat is equal to a value not in the database. The only way that this can happen is if the page is called directly without going through the default page. the script follows. its called leftNav.php <?php include 'media/includes/productDetail.php'; //$username = "alaric"; $username = "pinetree"; //$password = "password_removed"; $password = "password_removed"; $hostname = ""; //$hostname = ""; if($_SESSION["u_id"]==""){ $_SESSION["u_id"] = uniqid(); } // $_cartTotal="$0.00"; $_cartCount="0"; function tallyCart($_u_id){ global $username; global $password; global $hostname; global $_cartTotal; global $_cartCount; $dbhandle = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die("Unable to connect to MySQL"); $selected = mysql_select_db("pinetree",$dbhandle) or die("Could not select examples"); //execute the SQL query and return records $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from tbl_Cart where u_ID='".$_u_id."'"); $_holder=""; $_counter=0; $_getSubTotal=0; $_showCheckOut=0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $_showCheckOut=1; $_pdetail=new ProductDetail($row{'product_ID'}, $row{'product_Quantity'}, $_u_id); $_getSubTotal += $_pdetail->_subTotal; $_counter++; } $_cartTotal = "$".number_format($_getSubTotal,2); $_cartCount = $_counter; mysql_close($dbhandle); } tallyCart($_SESSION["u_id"]); ?> <div id="div_cartCall"> <div id="div_cartCall_head"> You have <?php echo $_cartCount?> items in your cart.<br/><br/> Cart total: <?php echo $_cartTotal?> </div> <div id="div_cartCall_foot"> <a href="cart.php">� Go to cart</a> </div> </div> <p> <?php //$username = "alaric"; $username = "pinetree"; //$password = "removed"; $password = "removed"; //$hostname = ""; $hostname = ""; $_parents = array(); $counter=0; if($_GET["cat"]!=""){ $_parent =$_GET["cat"]; } else{ $_parent ="0"; } $dbhandle2 = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die("Unable to connect to MySQL"); //echo "Connected to MySQL<br>"; //select a database to work with $selected = mysql_select_db("pinetree",$dbhandle2) or die("Could not select examples"); while ($_parent !="0") { $result_2 = mysql_query("SELECT catagory_parent FROM t_catagories where catagory_ID=" .$_parent); $num_rows_2 = mysql_num_rows($result_2); if($num_rows_2 > "0") { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_2)) { $_parent= $row{'catagory_parent'}; $_parents[$counter] = $row{'catagory_parent'}; $counter++; } } } mysql_close($dbhandle2); function getParent($catID, $matchingID){ //$username = "alaric"; $username = "pinetree"; //$password = "removed"; $password = "removed"; //$hostname = ""; $hostname = ""; $_parent="1"; $_currentCat=$catID; $dbhandle2 = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die("Unable to connect to MySQL"); //echo "Connected to MySQL<br>"; //select a database to work with $selected = mysql_select_db("pinetree",$dbhandle2) or die("Could not select examples"); while ($_parent !="0") { $result_2 = mysql_query("SELECT catagory_parent FROM t_catagories where catagory_ID=" . $_currentCat); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_2)) { $_parent=$row{'catagory_parent'}; if($row{'catagory_parent'}==$matchingID){ mysql_close($dbhandle2); return true; } } } mysql_close($dbhandle2); return false; } ?> <?php function getRowCount($_catID){ global $_parents; global $username; global $password; global $hostname; $dbhandle = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die("Unable to connect to MySQL"); $selected = mysql_select_db("pinetree",$dbhandle) or die("Could not select examples"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as theCount FROM t_catagories where catagory_parent=".$_catID); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($row{'theCount'}=="0"){ mysql_close($dbhandle); return "0"; } else{ mysql_close($dbhandle); return "".$row{'theCount'}; } } } function generateNav($_parent, $_style){ if(getRowCount($_parent)>0){ global $_parents; global $username; global $password; global $hostname; $dbhandle3 = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die("Unable to connect to MySQL"); $selected = mysql_select_db("pinetree",$dbhandle3) or die("Could not select examples"); //execute the SQL query and return records if($_parent!="0"){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT catagory_ID, catagory_name, catagory_parent FROM t_catagories where catagory_parent=".$_parent ." ORDER BY catagory_name"); }else{ $result = mysql_query("SELECT catagory_ID, catagory_name, catagory_parent FROM t_catagories where catagory_parent=".$_parent); } //fetch tha data from the database if($_parent=="0"){ echo "<div class=\"mainCat\">"; }else{ if($_style!=""){ echo "<div class=\"dv_leftNavigation_head\" id=\"div_".$_parent."\" style=\"display:".$_style."\">"; }else{ echo "<div class=\"dv_leftNavigation_head\" id=\"div_".$_parent."\">"; } } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $_cat_id=$row{'catagory_ID'}; $_match_2="+"; foreach($_parents as $id){ if($id== $_cat_id){ $_match_2="-"; } } if($_cat_id==$_GET["cat"]){ $_match_2="-"; } if($row{'catagory_parent'}=="0"){ echo "<div class=\"LeftNav_tab\">"; }else{ if(getRowCount($row{'catagory_ID'})!="0"){ echo "<div class=\"dv_leftNavigation\">"; echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"".$_match_2."\" onClick=\"accordian('div_".$row{'catagory_ID'}."', this);\" class=\"btnNav\"/>"; }else{ echo "<div class=\"dv_leftNavigation_2\"> "; } } echo "<a href=\"products.php?cat=" . $_cat_id ."\">" . $row{'catagory_name'}."</a>"; echo "</div>"; //generateNav($_cat_id); $_match=0; foreach($_parents as $id){ if($id== $_cat_id){ generateNav($_cat_id,""); $_match=1; } } if($_cat_id==$_GET["cat"] && $_match==0){ generateNav($_cat_id,""); }else{ if($row{'catagory_parent'}!="0"){ generateNav($_cat_id,"none"); } } } if($row{'catagory_parent'}=="0"){ echo "</div>"; }else{ echo "</div>"; } //fetch tha data from the database //echo "<div class=\"dv_leftNavigation\">"; //close the connection //mysql_close($dbhandle3); } } ?> <?php echo "<div class=\"div_left\">"; generateNav("0",""); echo "</div>"; ?> </p> <div align="center"> <p><br /> <br /> </p> <p><a href=";" target="_blank"><img src="images/FacebookBadge.gif" alt="Follow Pinetree Garden Seeds On" width="144" height="44" border="0" align="middle" /></a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="images/Twitter_Follow_Me_Icon.jpg" alt="Follow Pinetree Garden Seeds On" width="115" height="94" border="0" align="middle" /></a></p> </div> > -- > PHP General Mailing List ( > To unsubscribe, visit: > >