PHP Users
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- Re: PHP Stats, (continued)
- File moving hell on Windows,
Brian Dunning
- Mac 10.7 Install/Copy fresh PHP over Pre-Installed PHP,
- How to write and read serial or parallel port,
Lester Caine
- PHP OpenSSL - Problem with "openssl_pkcs7_verify", Samuel Lopes Grigolato
- Re: [PHP] What do you call the end-user?, Tim Streater
- magic getter,
- Re: The Cat Signal,
Daniel Brown
- What do you call the end-user?,
Tedd Sperling
- difference PEAR PECL,
Mihamina Rakotomandimby
- RE: Creating drop-down menus - use AJAX and jQuery,
Daevid Vincent
- SOAP and Php question about authentication,
James Newman
- Re: [PHP] Creating drop-down menus,
Tim Streater
- Creating drop-down menus,
Ramiro Barrantes
- Simplepie characters not showing,
muad shibani
- Seeking a scheduling algorithm,
Tedd Sperling
- PDO: extend or encapsulate?,
tamouse mailing lists
- Bazar behavior w/ private member variables,
Nathan Nobbe
Entry point of an MVC framework,
Simon Dániel
Reverse DNS testing,
vCard Image,
Floyd Resler
database hell,
Nick Edwards
Contribute to PHP,
Ziad Jammal
Find match of string if only at end of string,
Marc Guay
Quem esta por dentro de PSR?,
Volmar Machado
Session Checking,
Floyd Resler
Using named Pipes between PHP and ZIP,
Dennis Heck
[PHP-DEV] SQLite - Unwanted values using group-by,
Simon Schick
How to make a secure download ?,
Re: [PHP] Unexpected Notice message,
Tim Streater
Unexpected Notice message,
Arno Kuhl
Is this list less busy than it used to be?, support
exec to launch putty.exe for telnet,
Devang Patel
How does this code work?,
Robert Williams
PDO Prevent duplicate field names?,
Scott Baker
PHP Time,
Rob Weissenburger
Way to test if variable contains valid date,
Ron Piggott
PHP/mySQL Developer Partner needed..., Don Wieland
Destructor not called when extending SimpleXMLElement,
Nick Chalk
Re: Hello again, tamouse mailing lists
Re: [PHP] embedding php inside of php,
Tim Streater
embedding php inside of php,
Tim Dunphy
PHP tattoo, Larry Martell
log tailing,
Mihamina Rakotomandimby
Is there a way to customize the 'Username' and 'Password' strings in a 401 auth dialog box?,
Daevid Vincent
Depreciation message I can't make out....,
Gary Lebowitz
php batch/queue framwork,
Tom Sparks
Can I do this in a single match/replace?,
Paul Halliday
slicing and dicing strings,
Kirk Bailey
What's happened to our newsgroup?,
If PHP Were British,
Daevid Vincent
why is (intval('444-44444') == '444-44444') EQUAL??!,
Daevid Vincent
php script can't self reference,
Tim Dunphy
IE9 Large Post Hangs for 5 Minutes Plus,
Christopher Cowan
Missing something simple,
Lester Caine
Jim Giner
reload page without use header,
Farzan Dalaee
Karl DeSaulniers
else if vs switch,
April Mains
php form action breaks script,
Tim Dunphy
add one day to DateTime based on timestamp, Shailesh N. Humbad
[ANNOUNCE] PHP 5.3.14 and PHP 5.4.4 Released!, Johannes Schlüter
global array,
Jeff Burcher
how to walk async recursively over an object, doing work (in right order) per leaf,
Searching IDE.,
David Arroyo
Re: Searching IDE., Louis Huppenbauer
Re: Searching IDE., Lester Caine
Re: Searching IDE., Simon Dániel
Problem with ssh2 public/private key connecting, Radek Krejča
looking for a PHP texte indexer,
Mihamina Rakotomandimby
show info from mysql db,
Tim Dunphy
A problem about sessions,
Tazio Ceri
A Question of SESSION,
Tedd Sperling
Read dynamic variable from HTML form into PHP,
Devang Patel
Which workstation????,
Farzan Dalaee
zend_auto_global_disable_jit missing in PHP 5.4.5,
freeone3000 & iplong(),
Re: [PHP] Hungarian Notation interest with PHP, Tim Streater
long running php script won't complete :(,
Hungarian Notation interest with PHP,
Mihamina Rakotomandimby
help with preg_match,
Chris Purves
disabled cookies,
Re: [PHP] Re: Function size,
Tim Streater
About sessions and subdomains, Andre Polykanine
xcache on php on CentOS 5.8, Kaushal Shriyan
Simple Email System (SES) Provider,
Don Wieland
Using default argument values in the middle of the argument list,
Open Call: Official PHP Mirror,
Daniel Brown
Happy Diamond Jubilee everyone!,
Ashley Sheridan
progress indicators in browsers for long running php scripts?,
is there a way to stop HTMLPurifier/CSStidy from forcing input CSS into all lowercase?,
Re: is there a way to stop HTMLPurifier/CSStidy from forcing input CSS into all lowercase?, Govinda
Tedd Sperling
[foreach] - is it proper to...,
passing /n into query ERROR,
Don Wieland
Dynamically Populating Multi-Dimensional Arrays,
Mackintosh, Mike
Uploading large files with HTTP_Request class,
Voß, Marko
LAMP appliance, Jordi Massaguer Pla
Too many arrays! My head is exploding!,
What is The best way/tool for debuging PHP?,
LEOPARD Corporation
Re: What is The best way/tool for debuging PHP?, shiplu
Re: What is The best way/tool for debuging PHP?, As'ad Djamalilleil
Setting allow_url_fopen,
James Moe
Re: How to insert a file in a class?, marco@xxxxxxxxxx
Crudin - CRUD INterface Generator - Open Source Project,
Rodrigo de Almeida Rodriguez
Simple XML, (x)html, and xpath,
problem sending email,
As'ad Djamalilleil
Cookie use management,
Lester Caine
Need help on increment date,
Md Ashickur Rahman Noor
openssl_sign() & openssl_verify() discrepancy,
Function size,
Tedd Sperling
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Re: Function size, Paul M Foster
w.r.t. mail() function,
Ashwani Kesharwani
How to handle E_ERROR,E_PARSE with a user defined function,
Yuchen Wang
Differences between PHP on LAMP and PHP on Windows Servers,
Gates, Jeff
[missing] images .htaccess,
muad shibani
requesting comments on rajmvServiceLog (access + error logging through PHP and JS to MySQL),
errors not showing,
Tim Dunphy
Bust out a PDF via the print stylesheet?,
Brian Dunning
regexp novice,
Jim Giner
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